WTPU Survey Comments


General comments regarding Spirit’s initial contract offer

  • 9.5 years is way to long for any contract.

  • A lot of the questions seem like they are semi loaded so that certain answers are obtained.  I know that all of use would like to get better contracts and not have to give a little to get a little, but in these times when unemployment is going up i am hap

  • Any company based bonus goal would be set by the executives wouldn't it ?  How many years since Spirit has been a company have the executive gotten huge bonuses and raises , but yet the company has reported that we didn't meet our goals. The last time I c

  • Appears they are spending all their money on new Executives and none on the current employees

  • As long as the company is creating new VP and Director positions, they are not serious about cutting costs. Every one created just drives a bigger wedge between management and the workforce. And the choices they are making as to who fills some of those po

  • At a time when they are ramping up rates on all programs and need us to do the work of two and three people because they don't want to hire more people, it would be nice to at least receive the benefits we thought we worked our entire careers to receive..

  • Compared to the contract offer to Hawker Beechcraft I think Spirit's was better.      Main concern is keeping the 401k company contributions the same.

  • Cost of living is rising. Spirit offer doesn't offset cost of living. Bonuses don't become part of base salary, salary adjustments do.

  • Definitely don't see how medical premium increases with pay increases that barely (if at all) cover cost of living inflation is beneficial to employees. Makes our over all income decrease over the next 9.5 years.

  • do not paying more for insurance as long as still have chance for salary increase. have been on the other side of the coin and had to pay up to 5000 a year for insurance and it was not as good coverage wise.

  • Do not want a contract for 9  1/2 years.  Economy is too unstable to sign a contrac for 9 1/2 years.

  • For bonus plan, our payment percentages should not be below any other payroll group.

  • FYI, I would have voted for the contract.

  • Hard to accept cuts when upper management keeps getting raises and bonus's.

  • I do not agree with unionization and thus this is my reason for not joining the union.  I've studied unions and labor relations and this is my personal position.  If it were up to me, I'd work without a contract, but for an employer who cares about their

  • I do not believe every employee is entitled to salary increases just because they managed not to get fired over the past year.  I do believe in compensation for performance however, and do not believe the wages and bonuses offered fairly distribute the be

  • I expect medical premiums to rise, but my portion should not rise more than the companies portion. If we rise to 20% that should be the max, then keep the proportions the same and together we share the costs as they rise

  • I like to be in control of my pay increases. If I work hard and show up every day, I should get what I deserve.  I should not have to rely on what everyone else is doing to get a "bonus".

  • I love the idea of a ten year contract.  Lock in something good for ten years then we don;t have to go through this stupid exercise so often.

  • I personally do not think either side negotiated with full thought on the matter of compromise. I understand the company trying to defer health costs because all companies are working toward that. I also believe that they were trying to work out a more pr

  • I think that the "concerns" of the union reflect people who do not want to take responsibility for their own future. If you think Spirit doesn't offer enough, you have the right and opportunity to find a different job. I think a lot of the issues result f

  • I understand we will be required to increase our share of medical costs but not without knowing there are caps.  I would also be in favor of up to a six year contract but more than that is only a win-win for Spirit.

  • I wish Boeing would BUY this pool hall back.

  • I would ask Spirit management to give us the same increases and bonus they have given other Spirit employee's.

  • I'd like to see a larger salary pool.  I don't like to see a bonus in place of pool compensation.  Uncle Sam gets 42% of that bonus, so it doesn't mean much.  Contributions to 401k instead of an extra 1% to salary pool isn't as bad.  Bottom line here is t

  • If it isn't explicitly spelled out in the contract, don't expect the company out of the goodness of its heart to actually do something beneficial.  This is all about dollars and cents to them.  There is no "family" or even a "team" here.  If the company w

  • If non members were allowed to vote the company might get a more valid picture of the real issues.  I voted against the union every chance I had and will not join.  If I am forced to be represented I should be allowed to vote.  I spent 118 days on strike

  • If Spirit cant meet its performance targets then changes need to be made at the executive level....not taken out on those doing all the work.

  • If Spirit continues with keeping contractors during layoffs or short work weeks, then maybe some of us should consider becoming contractors during that period.  Just a thought.

  • If the majority of the pool of employees represented by SPEEA really wanted to be represented, then membership would be above 50%.

  • If they cant give more money, why cant they give us sick leave or more ETO?  Or more ETO for OT hours worked?

  • If what is being reported that they they were surpirsed at the rejection is true.  Then they did not take this round of negotiation very serious.  The contract regarding salaries and benefits is well below market value.  So the company wants to promote th

  • Is it ok to give the upper management more money and forget about the empolyees?

  • Is there room for improvement in the offer?  Likely.  However, given current economic realities, we need to take a step back and recognize that having a job that could--for a limited amount of time--pay below market value is better than not having a job a

  • It is definite that we must accept certain increases in costs as well as other changes as it is a fact of life. All things must change but the level of change we are being asked to make with regard to a great increase in out of pocket expenses on our part

  • Lower performance bonus

  • Need another early retirement incentive plan.

  • need to be treated equally

  • Other than the salary caps, I found this a very fair offer in the current economic environment.

  • professional pride and greed - and if the majority of us could get the oppurtunity we'd be just like them

  • Seems like we work our behinds off and the company doesn't want to reward us for our performance.

  • Speea cheated us on the first contract, when everyone in the shop got $40,000 to $65,000 we got nothing. So, how can I believe the WTPU has what it takes to get the job done this time???

  • Spirit can tell you anything they want to on their performance which determines if raises are given or not.

  • Spirit is taking a page from Boeing. Tech's were always trreated like scum by Boeing ad now by Spirit. We should get fir compensation just like upper Management.

  • The performance level to get bonus is set too high and we would never see a red cent.

  • The top executives make there bonus and then we never meet ours.

  • The union membership is too high, as stated - I am not an engineer and shouldn't pay that high a premium for membership.

  • There will be no bonus

  • This is not a fair way to do business and it should be changed.  Management should have the caps not the working man and that not the way it use to be.  It's the new greedy concept of the CEO's around the country that are already living large and want mor

  • Use professional language on all emails, bulletin boards, and hand-outs going forward.  Do not present skewed data, and do a better job of painting a complete picture of any future contract offer.

  • We'll see.  GL

  • While I believe there should not be a minimum salary increase for everyone, as I see people who just show up to work every day, but do not positively contribute, I do believe the company is holding out on the market value pay by limiting the salaries to 9

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