WTPU Survey Comments

Main concern regarding Spirit’s initial contract offer

  • $$

  • 9.5 year duration.  Salary based off of company performance when company performance is 25% based on Board of Director's *OPINIONS*.

  • a 9.5 year contract instead of the normal 3 year contract, along with no guaranteed salary increases instead of bonuses.

  • Annual wage increase and COLA. Want to at least mantain current standard of living.

  • B.O.H.I.C.A. part 2. Earnings can be manipulated by moving expenses to and from quarterly reports to avoid paying bonuses.

  • Below average pay for above average employees

  • Below market salaries.  Salaries should be at the market!

  • Below market wadge, no garanteed raise, low retirement benifits.

  • Benefit must be at least equal to other salary group.

  • Bonus compensation needs to equal other salaried and management employees

  • Both sides talk team, but a lot of negativity from both sides.  Put it all out on table and do what is fair on both sides.

  • Capped merit pools

  • Compensation

  • compensation - yearly raise pools , raising health care premiums every year thru the life of the contract.  Very low bonus and no guarantee raise from 2010 , which I thought was covered under the last contract .

  • compensation and benefits

  • compensation and bonus pay compared to other salaried employees within Spirit.  9.5 year contract locks in too long with market fluctuations

  • Compensation and job security.

  • compensation and length of contract

  • Compensation and wages fall short of expectations. 10-year contracts require too much commitment.

  • Compensation and why it's so different from the engineering unions contract.

  • compensation package

  • Compensation, an incentive plan below the rest of the company

  • Compensation, healthcare, & job security
  • Compensation.  I will not stay with the company if I do not see pay increases that improve my standard of living.  I have a masters degree, almost a PhD, and I know I can find better work for better pay elsewhere if I need to.

  • Compensation/Medical coverage increases

  • contract for 10 years no raises

  • dropping the selective salary increase plan, because potential bonuses do not do it for me as I will probably continuously fall further behind year after year

  • Fair Compensation

  • having to work into my 70's.  no pay raises, cost go up. turns into dead end job

  • Health benefits

  • Health care premiums and 9.5 yr contract

  • I am concerned that we will again have to live with a below average contract and this time for the next decade

  • I feel like we are a more disposable group that is given less respect and consideration than other groups of people.

  • inflation wiping out the salary increase

  • Insurance rates

  • It is lower than what the engineers have

  • It seems as though spirit is taking advantage of the laging economy and peoples desire to stay employed  attempting to hand us this crappy contract with the hopes that we'd be desperate to sign it.

  • jobs in Wichita

  • Lack of improvements in retirement and the real pay reduction over the life of the contract

  • Lack of merit and retirement money; lack of a decent retiree ins program prior to age 62; If they would make it where people could afford to retire; then they could get the next gen trained to fill the jobs at lesser salaries---probably a cost savings.

  • Lack of salary increase for 2011, providing a "signing bonus" that deducts from 2012 bonus potential and a base salary that is at risk for being below market for the next 9.5 years.

  • Length

  • Length of contract - hopefully the economy will rebound, but the employees will be stuck with wages and benefits that are not rebounding.

  • Length of contract  Salary Pool Caps

  • Length of contract with no salary increases.

  • Linking salary and incentives to Company performance when poor management decisions often drive the results

  • Locking anything in long-term in the current economy is a bad idea. Things are not predictable right now. It needs to be a significantly shorter time period.

  • Locking into a 9.5 year contract when we all know the new programs with generate moneys in the next 9.5 years. This plan only allows for the executives to reap the rewords and in essences locking us out of any monetary gain. Why were the IAM and UAW in Tu

  • looks like they want us to share the pain but not the gain

  • Low and stagnent salary growth making it hard to meet median of my salary group

  • Low compensation & Increase benefit costs

  • Medical

  • Medical

  • Medical benefits/Salary Cap

  • Medical Cost

  • Medical cost double, Raises are capped.

  • Medical Cost Increase

  • Medical Premiums  Length Of The Contract

  • Medical premiums  salary  contractors remain if Spirit employees are laid off

  • My main concern would be the health care premium going up by 10%, but i do feel that the workers should also share some of burden of increased costs though.

  • My main concerns are the wage pools without inflation.  Even though I have been receiving 3 1/2% raises for my 5 years here I do not believe they have kept up with inflation.  I continue to dip into savings to make ends meet. I do not have cable tv, my tv

  • No base salary wage increases. Bonus money does not take the place of wage increases

  • No control over compensation - no guarantee

  • No cost of living adjustment

  • no cost of living, in 9.5 years our cost of working at Spirit will be significantly below average.

  • no guaranteed raise for years.

  • no guarentees and more cost to us

  • no increases in pay, no improvment to retirement  too many take-aways

  • No Salary increases

  • None - union should have accepted Spirit's offer.

  • None.  I feel that it was a fair contract offer.

  • Not enough money.  Don't want to pay more medical.  I want some bonuses.

  • Noted in the top 3 question

  • Our bonus would be the lowest of everybody else. One team is a bunch of bull.

  • pay - for a job well done and a bonus that is fair.

  • Pay scale will not keep up with future cost of living increases

  • Performance bonuses are largely contingent on managment decision; not employee performance. I don't want to have limited earnings due to poor management decisions on new programs.

  • poor retirement , increasing medical ins. , cap pool money for raises.

  • Propsed contract is for too many years. Low wages, no bonus, higher medical premiums.

  • Raises, insurance, & retirement

  • Retirement benefits, pay and increase in medical benefits

  • Salaray and benefits proposals.

  • salary caps

  • Salary Caps and Comparing our wages to others

  • Salary Caps and length of contract

  • salary caps combined with a very long contract

  • Salary caps over an extended contract during difficult economic times.

  • Salary caps.

  • salary pool caps and a decrease in the raise pool if the company falls below the 1.0 target

  • Salary Pool.

  • Salary.

  • Salary/compensation plan and changes to medical benefits (premium increases).

  • salry cap with no cost of living raises yet increasing cost of insurance

  • speak with fork tonque - ethics - lets all be millionaires or not together

  • SPEEA stupidly rejected the offer without considering this is now a small company, NOT Boeing.

  • Spirit executives and management have never shared the profits with employees. Spirit executives became millionaires  within six month of Onex ownership. American dollars continue to funnel to Canada to Onex coffers.

  • Spirit has introduced a lot of new concepts for compensation.   I would rather see a smaller term contract to test these new concepts - and then go for a longer term contract if the compensation approach is acceptable

  • Spirit is not taking care of the people who do make this company great. Keep messing around and Spirit will become a minor player in hte airplane parts business.

  • Sub-standard salary growth potential.

  • Taking away merit raises.

  • Term, Inflation protection, no merit pool money in first year although we completed performance evaluation. Knowing Spirit will set bonus plan to levels that won't be met.

  • That ehy have to make an offer. Get rid of the union!

  • That Spirit is in such a money crunch that they can continue to pay huge bonuses to management, when we are the one's who figure out the problems.

  • That Spirit really doesn't care.

  • That spirit wants to keep the pay low for employees in order to meet cost goals that will allow all of the execs large year-end bonuses.

  • That the union membership did not accept it.

  • the 10 year contract.  I lot can change in10 years, and I am hoping a lot does change.

  • The bonus offer was lower than any other Salary group.

  • The bonus percentage payout was below the other unions and nonrepresented.

  • The bonus plan.  Why should we accept 1/2 of what everyone else gets.

  • The economy does not support the proposal risks in conjunction with the length of the contract.

  • The high potential to go 10 years with frozen wages.

  • The length of the contract because it locks me into no wage increase for the term and the refusal of Spirit to truly share profits with our union.

  • The long-term "lock-in" to low/med payouts/incentive

  • The period of performance - 10 years is too long. A lot can change in 10 years.  The salary and bonus program is for the company's benifit only. Does not reflect they value thier employees.

  • The possibility of no salary increase's for 9.5 years and w/ inflation (i.e. health-care coverage premium increases) actually making less money 10 years from now.

  • The raise equations are a concern as well as the re-classification of employees.

  • The Salary Pool is not acceptable with the length of contract.    No one wants to discuss the raise that should have happened this year under current contract.  The "Bonus" is an insult.  Incentives should be equal to other salaried employees.

  • The unfairness of this offer versus the offer made to Slpirit's other bargining units

  • The wage pool.

  • too long of term.  Our economy will vary more quickly than that.

  • too much additional cost to the empolyees. contract should be 3/5 years max.

  • Turners increased salary

  • uneven bonus plan and retirement benefits

  • Variable pay raises for the next 10 years. I would prefer a more decent pay increase as I progress with my career.
  • Wages

  • wages

  • wages and raises.

  • We are always the group taking the biggest hit when it comes to compensation, benefits, bonuses, etc.

  • We don't get the same bonus that others get. We don't get needed, and earned raises. We do more work for same pay. Health benefits - I think I pay enough for the coverage I have now.

  • With the length and provisions of the contract, inflation could easily out strip wages and there would be nothing to compel the company to re-negotiate.  (If the company was going to go bankrupt, that would more or less compel the union to re-negotiate.
  • worse than what other units received

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