WTPU Survey Comments - Why I Voted


Why I voted the way I did on the Spirit contract offer

  • 9.5 yr Salary caps pressured by rising medical costs and less job security since contractors had more.

  • I don't trust Spirit to act in good faith.  2) Management is a good ol boys club and they don't care about company performance...just their own jobs and compensation.   3) I doubt Spirit will become profitable as long as Product Engineering is complete

  • I know I am under paid compared to the national average.  I accept that situation.  The reason I am comfortable with the situation is because I came from a job that offered nothing.  No pay increases, benfits or gaurtees.  So when you have nothing and

  • My Union leadership said to.  2) The length was way to long with no guaranteed raises.  3) Bonuses not large enough to offset wage increase. Oh, wait! Wage increases? Ha ha!!  4) What about my former Boeing Pension Plan?

  • 1)Below market salary caps for 10 years  2)Contract language letting contractors stay on the job while direct employees hit the streets

  • 10 year contract and benifits was the biggest. Also do not like the bonus plan

  • 10 year contract with nothing in compensation. What is the point of staying around for 10 more years with the same wages. If you have to depend on the company for a bonus it will never happen for the working class. They will always find a way to screw you

  • 10 year contract, pay, medical.

  • 10 yr contract

  • 10 yr deal

  • 9 1/2 year contract.

  • 9.5 year contract - contractor language - salary would not keep up with inflation


  • 9.5 year contract!

  • 9.5 year contract, compensation, medical benefits, retirement

  • 9.5 year contract, raises

  • 9.5 years contract too long and no guarantee of wage increase.

  • 9.5 years is a long contract, and feels even longer when the contract takes more than it gives.

  • 9.5 years is too long for a contract with no raise guarantees.



  • 91/2 yrs. Job security, & below market value/compensation.

  • A long term contract must include cost of living expenses.

  • A position taken by the company that smacked of One sided posturing and a true disregard of the employees. I found the videos produced by the company to be insulting.

  • Actually, I had no concerns about me personally, it was the new hires that were getting 'stiffed'.

  • all work efforts need to be compensated for accordingly. Yearly raises and bonuses should happen, if we have money to do those things for upper management then we have it for the employees that keep this company going. Increasing healthcare cost hurst us

  • Bad contract, very limited guarantees to keep up with inflation and increased health care costs. Haven't seen a bonus in  6 years why would I assume I would see one now. Would like to see a 1% raise guaranteed each year of contract with additional merit p

  • becasue it's not fair to us the worker when I see the VIP's making millions

  • Because it was a slap in the face.  Spirit Management is reneging on their 5 year plan to reward their employees for allowing them the first 5 years while they get on their feet and show profit.

  • Because it was an overall bad offer.

  • Because of the need to lock down the salary pools to a large degree. And never agree to base it on a metric that we have little influence on.

  • Because our negotiating team recommended a "NO" vote.   I feel they are doing a great job   and I support them.

  • Because there offer is not in line with the rest of the company as a whole. And does not protect our future. Why should we be paid under market in our jobs

  • Being treated as second class citizens compared to Spirits other employees

  • Boeing is paying their first level  and professionals around 120,000 a year along with 80 dollars per year of service for retirement and paid medical at retirement. We aren't even close!!!

  • Bonus offer lower than other Spirit workers.

  • Bonus plan does't build base salary. Impacts social security. $1000 payments should be immediate on signiing and for each year there after until exhausted.

  • bonuses are one time maybe. a small salary increase is always better since it's forever. with rising costs everywhere my salary needs to kepp up with inflation. bonuses only raise your taxes for that year. bonuses are taxed higher. raises your taxable inc

  • Can't afford to live on the proposed contract. Too many negatives and too few positives!

  • Cap where they wanted to cap and no cap when it benefited the company.

  • capped for 9.5 years.

  • caps and length of contract

  • caps on everything that favored an employee advantage and no caps where it favored the company

  • Caps on merit pools, insultingly low bonus participation and a retirement plan that will prevent younger people from ever accumulating enough to retire with dignity.

  • common sense

  • Company consistantly tries to skate by paying under market value for their employee's.

  • Company shows they do not csre bout us.

  • Company talk is cheap. They need to back it up and take care of their employees.

  • Compensation

  • Compensation - Even if 75% of the decision to give a bonus to employees is based on actual profit data, there is still 25% of the decision based on management discretion. Not Fair. Bonuses should be given to all employees based on actual profit data  only

  • Compensation and Insurance

  • Compensation issues and the fact we were insulted in receiving anything lower than any other salary member of the Spirit Team.

  • Compensation plan

  • Compensation salary caps.

  • Compensation, I dont have a problem with market based salary pools i do have a problem with them being reduced when the STIP score is below 1 and the cap being at 3%. I will have been at Spirit X years in November and my salary is significantly below mark

  • Compensation.  You want employees to work hard, there has to be something to work hard for.  I don't come out here for the fun of it.  I am here only for the compensation package.

  • Compensation: CAPS and lower bonus plan.

  • Conpensation/Salary, and Medical Insurance

  • contract comparison with others

  • Contract content( or lack of) as well as the recommendation of SPEEA.

  • Contract is too long- too many things can happen in 9.5 years and WTPU would be stuck with 9.5 years. Unreasonable.


  • contract length coupled with caps

  • Contract offer and Spirit attitude made me feel "devalued".

  • Contract offer was unfair to employees.

  • Contract proposal by Spirit seemed like a ploy which they never expected to have well-received.

  • Contract sucked big time. Salary caps was the biggest insult to me. Just about every section felt like a slap in the face.

  • contract to long and compensation tied to Company performance.  Been around to long, I know how that works.


  • Contract was a slap in the face on all we hve done to contrubute to the success of the company and this is the "thanks" we get. Looking for EQUALITY.

  • Contract was for far too long, especially considering there are no employee protections in place regarding merits.  Also I think COLA could become an issue over that long a period of time.

  • contract wasn't good for anybody but the company

  • Contractors protected before directs

  • Current and Historical Actions of Upper Management including scare tactics during the transition from Boeing to Spirit

  • Deducting the $2000 bonus next year.  Why give the money if you're going to take it away the next year?

  • Did not like the 9.5 yr length and caps on Market value

  • Did not like the compensation language, retirement, or medical.

  • did not like the raise/bonus plan for next 9 1/2 years

  • did not vote, became member after vote

  • Didn't agree with any part of the proposed contract

  • Didn't belong until I read the comments made by the Management.


  • didn't vote

  • Do not like the idea of no raises and only a chance of a bonus if the company reaches certain goals. Also, the lengh of the contract. 10 years is a long time and who knows what the economy will be like.

  • Do not want a 9.5 year contract. No caps on medical premiums. Compensation not fair to newer employees.

  • dont care for bonus..tied to performance, management has made bad decisions on new programs, we will never perform well

  • Don't trust management

  • Doubling the premiums and keeping contracters before employees.

  • Due to everything noted in this survey.

  • Equity in the proposal for all employees, Mangement and Directs.  Medical premiums should be graduated over at least half the life of the contract. Example: Deductibles raise to 20% in a five year period in a graduated increase per year if a 10 year contr

  • Even if we received a raise or a bonus it would be eaten up by the increased medical cost which would lower my take home pay.

  • Feel that Spirit negotiated in bad faith, they are only willing for the employee to take unlimited risks while they limit Spirit's risks, we should get more consideration for such a long-term contract.

  • Felt "de-valued"

  • Felt I would being making less money at the end of the contract then I do now with reguards to voer all cos of living.

  • for same reasons in this survey

  • For the sake of the young people at Spirit. To help assure them competitive compensation in the future.

  • Future raises and bonuses.  Medical!

  • get real, 9.5 years?

  • get real, 9.5 years?

  • Get Spirit back to the bargaining table.

  • getting screwed

  • Had this contract been accepted, I believe our compensation would have continued to errode, against to the ever increasing cost of living.

  • I am a single mother.  I have a modest house payment and one car payment.  I am currently going paycheck to paycheck. It is frustrating not to be able to take my kids on a meager vacation during the Summer and worrying if I am going to make it this month

  • I am at the top of the highest paygrade for what I do.  I will never get nother raise.

  • I am concerned about the salary caps and the medical.

  • I am here to make money and feel the increases in benefits verses the wage increase proposals would not increase my standard of living but would decrease it. Every year the cost of living goes up and my wages need to reflect and increase to keep up.

  • I did not feel as if the company was fair nor did they seem to care about rewarding their team.

  • I did not feel that the contract was acceptable.

  • I did not like the 9.5 year contract...I do not plan on being here another 10 years....and I do not want to be tied in to the Management Incentive Package.......I would rather have the 3% predictable pool......rather than their up and down mess........

  • I did not make it to the vote.

  • I did not think it was a bad offer, but it was not a great offer.  I could have lived with it but it could have been better.
  • I did not vote becuase I was out of town and had no Internet access.  :-(

  • I did not vote...i was told by telephone at 4:15 that day that the voting would not be allowed to start until after the meeting had concluded. That would have made me be very late to another meeting, so i did not go to vote. Please be very specific about t

  • I didn't feel respected by Spirit management.  They gave a weak offer, but expected me to be happy due to the weak economy.

  • I didn't get to vote do to family matters that were out of my control. I would have voted "No" I think that this company can offer more than what it does. They want more and more out of 1 person and what us to get paid less for doing more.

  • I didn't like that the contract was for 9.5yrs. And the cost of the medical

  • I didn't like the contract. Thought the company was very unfair with their proposal!!

  • I didn't like the fact that they say we are all in this together, and then they want to cap my earning potential, should i cap my working potential.  Once we reach a certain point are they wanting me to slow down and stop working.  Don't tell someone that

  • I didn't like the following:  Compensation and the salary pool caps  Compensation and the "borrowed" signing bonus  Doubled medical benefits  9 1/2 year contract

  • I didn't understand why Spirit would tell us we are so valuable but then offer us this degrading contract offer.

  • I didn't vote because i didn't want to drive downtown and I have obligations after work.

  • I didn't vote.  I have joined since because of the company's comments and attitude.

  • I didn't want Spirit to decide on market rate and only use performance as the base.  I didn't like the idea of just bonus instead of salary increases.  We would be worse off by the end of the contract.

  • I do not beleive that Spirit is bargining in good faith.

  • I do not like to be pushed into something I do not feel in the best interest of my family and co-workers.

  • I do not want the same type of contract the hourly employees received, which was basically a wage freeze for 10 years

  • I do not want to give up Merit salary increases in lieu of a 'possible' lump sum bonus

  • I don't believe management has any regard for the employees. NO leadership exists.

  • I don't like the 9.5 year contract-not enough upside reward for me to bite on it( no cola), too much can happen over ten years (inflation). We have no say, or control, in how the company sets it's unrealistic goals. (I feel like I would be chasing a carro

  • i don't like the salary caps and increases in medical expenses out of my pocket.  and the "signing bonus" that will come out of next year.  and the no pay raise for 2011.

  • I dont want to lose my job

  • I feel as if I work hard every day. The annual increases is my incentive to stay motivated and to do the best job that i can. That is what seperates the good workers from the bad. That is how i know that the company appreciates me and my hard work year af

  • I feel like the company doesn't value our contributions to the company and are trying to show it by paying us less, offering us less protection, and decreasing our benefits.

  • I felt this was no contract from Spirit. What they offered was the same as when we did not have a union. No protection on salery, medical or retirement. If we are so needed we (SPEEA) cannot have 1 day off as a group, then we should be treated equally and

  • I felt we were being dismissed as a bargaining unit; treated as non-important or illegitimate, not important and without clout or influence on this “team” of Spirit.

  • I have been a member since the sale. I have carried the non members too long.

  • I have given the company a good day’s work for a good days pay. I would like to have the company recognize my contribution by providing pay and other compensation in line with shat the executives  of the company are receiving

  • I hired into Spirit after negotiating my "offer" it would be nice to keep what they promised me when I was hired. I am doing what they've asked me to do, the company should keep their end of the deal and not take away from me.

  • I in the position of retireing within the next 3 years so striking for real big money issues are not a major concern..striking maybe out of the question for me.  but ,  I think any contract longer the 5-6 years is way to long.  what ever the contract is i

  • I joined after the vote

  • I joined after the vote.

  • I joined late so I could vote on this long term contract. Altough I am not pro union and may cancel membership after contract is secure I was on the fence even as I walked into Century II. I voted no because I felt our company is positioned very well i th

  • I just became a member, but i would've voted to reject had i been a member at the time.  The main reason is the salary caps seem like a big takeaway and the length of the contract is too long.  I'm also not convinced that we'd ever meet any of our bonus g

  • I just did not like the contract in whole.

  • I just joined the union after the vote.

  • I just thought it was a poor offer for 9 years.

  • I just want to be treated like everyone else.

  • I need a real wage I can count on! not a bonus..

  • I need competitive pay to keep my family from falling into poverty!

  • I rejected the contract due to the basis that I am not being treated equally as a "team" member of this company in respects to salary, bonuses, and compensation. In the past, I "had to" work a 3-day work week to help save the company money. When the short

  • I struggled to come up with the top 3, much less pinpoint it down to one, but compensation and medical are the top two in general terms.

  • I understand the price of medical costs are going up, and don't mind paying more... I understand when the company is hurting and management is not receiving any raises, providing us with a 3.5% increase doesn't help the company's overall financial picture

  • I understand the price of medical costs are going up, and don't mind paying more... I understand when the company is hurting and management is not receiving any raises, providing us with a 3.5% increase doesn't help the company's overall financial picture

  • I voted "no" due to the poor compensation package and 9.5 year length of contract.

  • I voted no because of their “Take or leave it” mentality that is left over from the old Stonecipher days.  I will probably never vote "Yes".

  • I voted no for a couple reasons.  I have no problem with a 9.5 year contract just make it fair.  First reason was doubling the cost of benefits, if this is going to happen then give me the option to opt out and pay me what my actual compensation would be

  • I voted the way I did was due to the facts that I saw no finacial growth for 9.5 years and no respect for my contirbution to this company.

  • I do not like to be pushed into something I do not feel in the best interest of my family and co-workers.

  • I do not want the same type of contract the hourly employees received, which was basically a wage freeze for 10 years
  • I do not want to give up Merit salary increases in lieu of a 'possible' lump sum bonus

  • I don't believe management has any regard for the employees. NO leadership exists.

  • I don't like the 9.5 year contract-not enough upside reward for me to bite on it( no cola), too much can happen over ten years (inflation). We have no say, or control, in how the company sets it's unrealistic goals. (I feel like I would be chasing a carro

  • i don't like the salary caps and increases in medical expenses out of my pocket.  and the "signing bonus" that will come out of next year.  and the no pay raise for 2011.

  • I dont want to lose my job

  • I feel as if I work hard every day. The annual increases is my incentive to stay motivated and to do the best job that i can. That is what seperates the good workers from the bad. That is how i know that the company appreciates me and my hard work year af

  • I feel like the company doesn't value our contributions to the company and are trying to show it by paying us less, offering us less protection, and decreasing our benefits.

  • I felt this was no contract from Spirit. What they offered was the same as when we did not have a union. No protection on salery, medical or retirement. If we are so needed we (SPEEA) cannot have 1 day off as a group, then we should be treated equally and

  • I felt we were being dismissed as a bargaining unit; treated as non-important or illegitimate, not important and without clout or influence on this “team” of Spirit.

  • I have been a member since the sale. I have carried the non members too long.

  • I have given the company a good day’s work for a good days pay. I would like to have the company recognize my contribution by providing pay and other compensation in line with shat the executives  of the company are receiving

  • I hired into Spirit after negotiating my "offer" it would be nice to keep what they promised me when I was hired. I am doing what they've asked me to do, the company should keep their end of the deal and not take away from me.

  • I in the position of retireing within the next 3 years so striking for real big money issues are not a major concern..striking maybe out of the question for me.  but ,  I think any contract longer the 5-6 years is way to long.  what ever the contract is i

  • I joined after the vote

  • I joined after the vote.

  • I joined late so I could vote on this long term contract. Altough I am not pro union and may cancel membership after contract is secure I was on the fence even as I walked into Century II. I voted no because I felt our company is positioned very well i th

  • I just became a member, but i would've voted to reject had i been a member at the time.  The main reason is the salary caps seem like a big takeaway and the length of the contract is too long.  I'm also not convinced that we'd ever meet any of our bonus g

  • I just did not like the contract in whole.

  • I just joined the union after the vote.

  • I just thought it was a poor offer for 9 years.

  • I just want to be treated like everyone else.

  • I need a real wage I can count on! not a bonus..

  • I need competitive pay to keep my family from falling into poverty!

  • I rejected the contract due to the basis that I am not being treated equally as a "team" member of this company in respects to salary, bonuses, and compensation. In the past, I "had to" work a 3-day work week to help save the company money. When the short

  • I struggled to come up with the top 3, much less pinpoint it down to one, but compensation and medical are the top two in general terms.

  • I understand the price of medical costs are going up, and don't mind paying more... I understand when the company is hurting and management is not receiving any raises, providing us with a 3.5% increase doesn't help the company's overall financial picture

  • I understand the price of medical costs are going up, and don't mind paying more... I understand when the company is hurting and management is not receiving any raises, providing us with a 3.5% increase doesn't help the company's overall financial picture

  • I voted "no" due to the poor compensation package and 9.5 year length of contract.

  • I voted no because of their “Take or leave it” mentality that is left over from the old Stonecipher days.  I will probably never vote "Yes".

  • I voted no for a couple reasons.  I have no problem with a 9.5 year contract just make it fair.  First reason was doubling the cost of benefits, if this is going to happen then give me the option to opt out and pay me what my actual compensation would be

  • I voted the way I did was due to the facts that I saw no finacial growth for 9.5 years and no respect for my contirbution to this company.
  • I voted yes because of the fact our retirement at 62 is still intack I only have x years left.

  • I want benefits equal to other groups and organizations, I shouldn't be penelized because of losses on failures of other groups or management decisions that we have no control of or not involved in.

  • I want to be treated/compensated fairly like the other employees at the company. Our job roles are just as important to keep the company going as the rest of the employess.

  • I was being robbed by the company. I have a family with three small children and their proposal does not allow me to grow finically over the 9.5 year contract they wanted me to sign. I believe the only winners will be the exec's who will sit back and rake

  • I was following the advice of the union.  With the union's recommendation to reject the contract, it was implied that the union might be able to go back to the table to renegotiate.  I really appreciate this heads up.

  • I was not a member until after the vote.  I joined after reviewing the offer, the results of the vote, and Spirit's response to the vote.

  • I was out of state on vacation during the vote, so didn't have the opportunity to vote. I would have voted no based on what I knew of the contract offer.

  • I was out of town did not vote

  • I would be making less in 10 years than I am now.

  • I would be willing to try some of spirit's novel compensation ideas for a short term contract (3 or 4 years) but seems to risky for a long term one.

  • I would like to retire and be able to do more than stay at home and work a part time job.

  • I would rather have a salary with guanteed raises. Not pay on the incentive/bonus plan.  I dont want a long term contract.

  • Iam tired of working my way DOWN!

  • If I am going to recieve a 9-1/2 year contract, I want to be secure in the fact that my wage increases will be consistant with the current market, and not have a cap put on bonus, value me as an employee and pay me what I am worth. Not have it fall way be

  • If i support a 91/2 year contract, the proposal better have idealy covered every area of concern. Lower wages, Salary Caps, a 401k that is way under market, and the fact that they now can get rid of anyone in the retention rating.  I do not see why we are

  • If salaries fall significantly below the market average, it will take 3 years, of consistently being above the allowed 3%, for the negotiation table to be re-opened, without any guarantee of any resolve

  • If they want us to commit to a long term contract, then the terms have to be right, and reward us for what may be some good years ahead.

  • If we are not granted a secure portion of the profit that we generate, then why should endorse the payment of our portion to those that don't contribute to this company's success but instead make stupid decision that constantly prevent, no, even in some c

  • If we are to be considered as (1) team we should all be treated the same and share equally with the % being offered for our yearly raises.

  • I'm doing my job and work hard at doing it the best I possibly can. However, I'm beginning to realize going above and beyond, giving more of myself, and sacrificing time with family does NOTHING to impress upon my management/Executives of my worth. This c

  • I'm tired of Jeff Turner continually saying we are a team when it is obvious in every aspect WTPU represented employees are not part of Jeffs team.
  • In light of the recent outsourcing activities in IT, I felt the contract was dis-respectful.

  • Inconsistent Salary and bonus philosophies - everyone should be rewarded the same; regardless of representation or not.  If we are successful we should all receive similar bonuses using similar bonus calculations

  • Increased medical costs and poor wage increases.

  • Issues with the compensation portion of the proposal.

  • It did not meet my needs to stay within my current life situation.  I am losing ground when all I get are bonuses with no general wage increase.  Retirement for me is just around the corner if I can secure a good package and free up my position to a young

  • It fell short of what the company should do for it's employees.  Don't mind working together for a future but for the last 13-14 years I've worked out here it's seems that the SPEEA represented employees have taken the hits.

  • It is not an equitable and fair proposal.   The future is questionable but employees should share in both the ups and the downs.

  • It was a ridiculous offer.  Spirit should be embarrassed of their hypocritical self.

  • It was a unfair contract. My salary will actually decrease with no cost of living increases. Also just getting a bonus without a raise will take me further behind because it is not added to my wage. Cost of living raises with yearly bonus maybe. But somet

  • it was degrading when they changed us and listed us as clerks, I thought we only had 10 days to get that straightened out? or is speea filling a greivence for our unit or arbitration? and how they are trying to use this to say we are over paid. everyone h

  • It's hard enough to keep up with bill paying without going backwards on my paychecks.  Even with the economy in good condition price increases are hard to absorb.  Without salary increases, it's hard to keep up with inflation.

  • Jeff Turner and the rest of the Spirit team do NOT value the employee's that insure they get their huge saleries. All they are concerned with is that they get "theirs" at what ever cost to the employee.

  • just joined so didn't vote, but due to the companies comments on an only 30% rejection I have joined and will be voting to show how the other 70% feels also

  • Just joined, was unable to vote.

  • Just too long of a contract and feels that the Spirit Management doesn't value us "little people."

  • Keeping good people to work with by paying decent wages

  • Knowing the loopholes in the contract regarding contractors and outsourcing (and also knowing how the company feels about outsourcing), laying off direct employees before terminating ALL contractors is unacceptable. Period.

  • lack guaranteed wage increases for 9.5 years

  • Lack of a merit pool

  • lack of compensation and medical payment increases

  • Lack of respect

  • Lack of respect to the best skilled work force in the world! While the Spirt Board of directors give themselfs out of proportion high bonuses.

  • Length of contract

  • Length of contract to long for caps to be implemented and especially when the commercial aircraft market is looking favorable in the foreseeable future. Further, I was not aware that Spirit's retirement plan for younger employee's (me included) was below

  • length of contract without compensation, cost of living or wage increase ....

  • Length of contract, No raise pool & increased cost of medical with no COLA

  • length of contract.

  • length of contract/compensation/medical

  • Length of the Contract too long.

  • Limited Guaranteed Salary increases over too long a contract period.

  • limiting the salary pool lower than cost  of living will result in a lower standard of living for us.

  • locked into a bad contract for 9.5 yrs. dont like the salary pool concept, (bouncing off the compa ratio, therefore u recieve low or no rate increases). this contract doesnt even have a minimum rate increase. i want to see fixed rate increases where the c

  • Long term cap on salaries, Spirit not sharing total compensation packages with their salary proposal - only the 'salary' portion, proposal not in alignment with most recent engineering contract, below market goals and no caps on medical premiums...the lis

  • Long term contract length without guaranteed language to keep our wages at or above market is a very bad idea. If the company wants to keep the team in place for a long duration, without the risk of contract issues, then that needs to be rewarded and barg

  • Long term contract with no protection against inflation. Sub-standard bonus plan. Sub-standard retirement plan.

  • Long term contract with take a ways!!!

  • lopsided team effort on company side

  • Lower bonus percentage than any other group.  Salary caps.

  • lowest bonus of anyone

  • medical

  • Medical cost sharing and the probability that we get less and pay more which is the new norm.

  • Medical costs will far outpace compensation

  • medical premiums and retirement package

  • medical premiums and salary caps

  • medical premiums and salary caps

  • Medical premiums going up next four years, math wasnt adding up with wages

  • Medical, Salary and Retirement pension

  • Medical, subcontract on site wording, and lenght of contract

  • Members need a fair contract

  • Money

  • My boss does not like me so I would never get a raise or promotion!

  • My Boss has moved me down to the low level and has given me only X00.00 raises for many years

  • My main objection was the overall compensation package; but primarily the bonus offer being half of WEU's plan.

  • negotiating team reccommendation

  • New member after vote took place.  The wages and insurance proposal by Spirit Sucks.

  • No cap on insurance costs. I would rather have lower insurance premiums with a cost cap, than a hourly raise.

  • No COLA or raise to offset cost-of-living increases or rising cost of insurance

  • No gauarantee in wages and the caps

  • No guarantee salary increase. I also do not like the length of the contract too much can happen in this time span.

  • No guaranteed minimum pay increases.  A signing bonus that is an advance on next years bonus.  Additional medical expenses with no cap.

  • No guaranteed money and loss of money due to insurance increases.

  • No guaranteed raises (only possibilities)  Only two guaranteed bonuses (only other possibilities)  No cap on health care costs (could be 10 times what we are now paying)  No additions to retirement

  • No guaranteed salary raises every year like we had with the old contract. When I go to the bank to get a loan all they look at is my hourly wage. I can't take bonuses in there and get a loan. I would rather have my salary increase every year as apposed to

  • no guarantees

  • No guarenteed raises, no retiree medical, insurance premium increases, length of contract
  • No guarenteed Wage increase or cost of living protection

  • No guarntees for wages.Don 't want to be market capped. Bonus plan was not adequate. Pension plan should be more in line with industry standards. Do not like the contractor language.

  • No interest in 9 1/2 years of "trust me" contract. Trust must first be earned and this company's account is empty.

  • No lowering of the age for early retiree medical benefits.


  • no pay raises every yr

  • No pay raises for length of contract.


  • No planned net salary increase over the 10 year contract

  • No protection against rampaging inflation.

  • No protection for inflation.  Salaries are capped, but no caps on medical.  That didn't seem fair.

  • No raises was enough to vote no - though other items would have caused me to vote no when combined together.  The concern with raises is that without guarantees, I'm afraid we will hear the same thing on raises as we currently do on bonuses "we can't give

  • NO RAISES, just possiblities controlled by company. Goal line never really known. Just numbers that a company accountant can jockey. Minimal payout if any, will result



  • not a fair contract

  • Not offering us the same contract as other Engineers (Salaried) employees.  Do not like 9.5 yr contract

  • Not only is my medical going up while my salary goes down this freezes my Social Security for 10 years.

  • not standards I would want to work with

  • not trated the same as other unions
  • Offer did not even match other union contracts.

  • One of my reasons is the contact never called out for a starting premium.  They could change it to $200 the first year and go up from there.
  • one team...or the other part of the team...see comments on survey question 8.

  • Our contract offer was an insult compared with the offer to the Engineering and Machinists

  • out of town, did not vote.

  • Overall a totally unacceptable contract.   10 years of $6.50 in overtime???

  • Pay cap  and length of the contract

  • Plain and simple, if the company offered half or 1/4 of what they will reward themselves when we do hit our targets then I would have voted for for that. I understand insurance continues to increase (and I have no issue here) but again I think that the co

  • Poor compensation for a long time.

  • Poor contract proposal.

  • Poor, long term contract

  • Possibility of no increase to base salary.  However, I do like the index based approach to managing compensation.
  • Possibility of no raises for 9 1/2 years!

  • Potential for 30% loss in pay over next 10 years, medical and retirement benefits. Wage pool s/b gauranteed 3% minimum
  • Preference to non-Spirit employees in times of layoffs

  • Proposal was short many of the compensations offered to the other unions. Hey - we are one big happy family - right?

  • Protect the younger members

  • protections for the company, but little protection for the employees.  Contract minimizes our potential income while our expenses are expected to increase considerably.

  • recommendation from speea leadership

  • RESPECT that we are not getting from our TEAM leaders

  • Retirement,Medical, and 9 1/2 yr contract

  • Salary

  • Salary and bonus caps

  • Salary and medical benefits
  • salary cap

  • Salary Cap  length of contract

  • Salary Cap issues.

  • salary cap, increased medical, length of contract

  • Salary caps

  • Salary caps & Bonus percentage.

  • Salary caps and bonus structure unacceptable.  Wording concerning contact labor lay-offs unacceptable.  9.5 yr contract unacceptable..

  • Salary caps and bonus.  Jeff Turner just got a 40% raise.

  • Salary caps and insurance premiums

  • Salary caps and protection of contract workers over regular employees

  • Salary caps inconsistent with plan to keep us at 97%

  • Salary caps, and "Company" performanced based bonus' as well as the reclassifying of job codes.  The Salary structure is a joke.

  • Salary caps, Medical, lack of bonuses

  • Salary Caps, medical, length of the contract

  • salary caps, no yearly guarantee's, 9 1/2 yr contract.

  • salary compensation

  • Salary compensation and bonus tied to management ever-changing goal line. For my job description I should be making $12K - $15K more, as previously employed by other corporations my tenure with Spirit has caused me a continuous cut in my compensation. The

  • Salary Compensation not adequate.  We should obtain a salary pool with yrly merit raises at least the national avg. inflation value 3.5% and be eligible for year end profit sharing bonuses.  Bonuses do not increase our salary each year.

  • Salary increases

  • salary increases, It seems it's always a fight  and we never can get ahead with the increaseof medical expense.

  • salary pool caps

  • salary pool caps

  • Salary pool caps

  • Salary proposal below market value.

  • Salary would never keep with market due to caps.  Lesser bonus percentage than anyone else.  Why?

  • salary, retirement

  • salary/bonus, medical cost, retirement benefits

  • Salery caps, lower bonus & no improvement to the 401K

  • Salery Caps, Lowest Profit sharing structure, Length of Contract.

  • sharing all of the risks but caps on rewards for a long contract period was not a good contract for me.

  • Spirit executives stuffing their pockets with bonuses and stock options and not compensating those that are making the company sucessful


  • Spirit has no integrity to state the words "Team".

  • Spirit is doing better than they like us to think.

  • SPIRIT just plain disrespected us - they dismissed us

  • Spirit lowballed us and thier WTF performance based incentive plan had no substance in terms of tangible threshold metrics - very much like Boeing's EIP (engigmatic incentive plan) which never paid out as it was subject to Sr Management's market manipulat

  • Spirit management does not care about it's main support structure.  It cares only about promoting the business portion of the company. It's obvious to me why they do need a Union here at Spirit. People need to see the facts about who gets promotions aroun

  • Spirit not giving a set raise each year.

  • Spirit wants a long-term contract yet does not want to guarantee anything, or cap what they are guaranteeing to their SPEEA WTPU employees.

  • Spirit wants more from employees but it is willing to give less or nothing in return for this!

  • Spirit wants us to take care of the company and work hard but when it come to it's MOST VALUABLE RESCOURCE it falls way short

  • Spirit's actions are contradicting its stated goals and values. The longer the contract, the more Spirit should compromise.

  • Spirit's definition of "Keeping Pace with the Market" on wages, salary wage caps.  Contractors before Direct employees  Taking away the best dental plan

  • Spirit's language of the contract shows no respect for their salaried workers. I work hard at my job and all I want is to be compensated fairly for what I do. I am loyal to the company but feel like Spirit isn't loyal to me ~ that I am truly dispensible (

  • Spirit's only commitment is to lower our standard of living. At the same time fashioning huge "golden parachutes" for the executives. No leadership at the top!

  • Spirit's Proposal was not in the interest of its employees making a decent wage and living


  • Terrible contract! Unfair to our union based on what other unions get.

  • That the contract proposal in general was in favor of the company only.

  • that wasn't even an offer, its a joke

  • The 10 year contract with the 3% salary pool caps.  What happens when we have runaway inflaction of 20+% like the Carter era?

  • the 3% cap with no COLA verbiage

  • The bonus proposal was insulting

  • The caps on salary pool and low bonus opportunity

  • The caps protect the company but not the employee.  And the contractors being able to stay on while there are possible layoffs for direct employees doesn't make sense.  Hard working employees need to be compensated.

  • The changing of the Technical Designers(Drafters) to being clerical. After a better unstanding of the way Spirit management would have changed the SRT's for the Technical Designers(Drafters) was the legititmate reason I voted "NO" on the contract offer.

  • The company did not wan to cap our expeditures but wanted to cap theirs.  They say they want predictability in their finances but wont offer the same to us.  I live paycheck to paycheck and when my costs go up due to inflation, I should have something to

  • The company has not replaced many of my co workers when they retired or took other jobs and have given that responsability to those that are left.  Yet they do not want to compensate with pay increases for the extra load carried.

  • The company has proven in the past we will never see a bonus. Turner has never gotten over the salary employees voting in SPEEA.

  • the company is not honestly offering 'market based' salary pools by having salary caps and reserving some of the 'market' pool funds for promotions and reducing the pool below market if the company has not done well the previous year.  with this arrangeme

  • The company reduces all risks across the board and lays them on the employee and then stacks the deck against our ability to improve/secure our yearly economic security.

  • The company said that they want to share in the financial risk for company competitiveness.  It seems that they are pushing all the risk onto us.

  • the company says they want what is best for the company, they want the company to be strong and profitable, but it seems they want it at our expense. I feel like we have little respect from the company; that we have little value to them. They don't apprec

  • The company showed no bargaining in good faith.  This has been the most disappointing thing I have encoutered in my whole carreer, corporate greed has taken over at Spirit too.  This is destroying this beloved country.

  • The company wants the employees to carry the risk...for a long time

  • The company was unwilling to work with SPEEA to offer employees a fair contract.

  • The Company's salary plan was unacceptable.  That they were trying to protect Contract Employees over Direct Employees

  • The compensation pacakage for me wuold turn out to be no raise in turn less additional money to 401(K). Job security. and the wording "trust us"


  • The contract is crap and is way less then what the shop people got.  Where is our stock option that is worth $50,000 plus?

  • The contract is to long to have salary caps and the bonus offer was not fair.  I don't mind a 10 year contract or being at 97% of market with the chance of a bonus if that is what they will really offer.

  • The contract offer does not reflect Spirits so called philosophy of a highly valued work force team.

  • The contract offer fell well below my expectations and I felt it demonstrated their disrespect for us.

  • the contract offer provides very little room for salary increases, and bonuses which provide little or no reason to work hard to make improvements personally of professionally.

  • The contract offer was not up to the standerd one team one spirit.

  • The contract offer was totally slanted for the company with the employee falling further behind economically. Bonuses are nice, but they are totally at management discretion. Management can make the numbers read the way they want it to read, which in the

  • The contract protects the company - not the team.

  • The contract should be no longer than 3 years.


  • The contract was a low bid by the company and showed how little they valued the work we have done since we have become a new company and continue to do above and beyond other aircraft companies

  • The contract was inferior to the Engineering contract which tells me the Company looks at us as inferior employees.

  • The contract was not a well written document to keep the WTPU group together and a strong working team at Spirit Aerosystems.

  • the contract was not fair in ref to the current market share. economic inflation throughout the furtures years didnt seem the contract was treading in the same path for compensation.

  • The contract was too long and offered too little in compensation and took too much away in medical costs.

  • The fact that the company is not willing to listen to the units negotiation team. WTPU always has the worst contract with the company, as if we don't matter.

  • the group I am in is being paid about 40~ under average market value per WWW.pqndt.com

  • The length of the contract, and losing ground salary wise in the future. I like working here, but if I'm not going to be paid what I'm worth and someone else will then this new contract will force me to leave.

  • The locking in of wages for 9 1/2 years that will give us much less in an economy were  inflation is increasing even in a bad economy.

  • The long term contract and the fact the under the salary chart they put us under, raises won't ever happen, that's degrading.

  • The main reason I voted the way I did was the combination of increased medical costs, the salary pool caps, and the bonus plan at a lower rate than other groups.

  • The offer is a total insult.Ready to strike.

  • The offer was a long term contract that doesn't meet the company's own stated goals of providing market based compensation. In my opinion it almost guaranties that the company will be compensating employees at increasingly less than market with no opportu

  • The offer was a piece of crap. The company figured we'd just suck it up and accept it like good doggies.

  • The offer was terrible. Being a younger person with a chance of not getting a raise during the length of the contact while cost of living and medical increasing doesnt make sense.

  • The over all contract SUCKED they can do alot better.

  • The potential reduction in performance pay based upon the company not meeting performance goals.  A person could perform very well, but be penalized by "new programs, cum catchups", and other poor management decisions.  Positively unacceptable!

  • the proposed contract has so many take aways and they still want to keep this team togehter,,

  • The proposed contract sucks - spirit obviously does not want to keep the WTPU team together.  With this contract top performers will be leaving the company within 5 years (as we drop further and futher below market).

  • the proposed contract was not in my best interests.

  • The salary cap and wage issue not only affects my salary for 9.5 years, but that also affects 401 contributions and social security.  If a person may retire within that 9.5 years, their 401 contribution will not increase with salary nor will their social

  • The spirit contract was toilet paper.

  • The take-aways and the long contract.

  • the time the contract to be in place and no money

  • The top management people are greedy and have no interest in ensuring that the loyal employees have a successful transition into retirement.

  • The trend towards a two class system is obvious in the contract proposal. Executives want it all but share no success with the general work foarce.

  • The wage caps and higher overall costs with the medical plans.

  • the way that the contract affected me personally and not the union as a whole

  • The whole contract was terrible not just one or a few reasons

  • The worst contract offer, they don't even treat us as Valued Employees.  Just treat us Fair

  • There is nothing in the contract protecting us from the company taking money away, also the caps are to say the least very upsetting. I also do not agree with the preformance system at Spirit, everyone gets the same when 20% does all the work. Therefore I

  • There was not just 1 main reason.  All the items on this survey is the main reason.

  • There was nothing beneficial to me, as an employee, to vote yes.  Voting yes would mean I want the same old thing and 9 1/2 years more of it.

  • There were many big reasons to vote no, few to vote yes.  The main reason is that Spirits stated objectives were not translated into the language.

  • There were many so I will just lsit them all here. 1.Length of time of Contract if the contract is sturctured correctly keeping us at "Market" and the Medical premiums are correctly structured and the pension plan is updated and there are no caps. 2. ETO

  • There were nothing for the actual employees, it was just for the COMPANY benifit.

  • These are all concerns to me, medical premiums, salary caps, and retirement


  • They offered us below value and takeaway propositions. They need to spend a week in our shoes to see what we are really faced with out here.

  • they want to cap our salaries, if we get any raises, and they keep getting richer.  I also want to retire sometime with something to live on.  As far as medical, they want us to pay for it but they don't want to pay us so we can pay for it

  • Think we can do better.

  • This contract if it was accepted would have been a significant negative impact to my family and I. Contract offer from Company was completely out of step with how the commercial market is currently and predicted to perform.  Record rates, income, new prog

  • This contract offer was not fair. Every time the company cuts wages the executives take increases. If we are one team one company then all members should be treated equally.

  • This contract treats me with no respect for my service, hard work and and dedication to the company. It is an insult to me.

  • This was a horrible proposal.  Is contract would ensure no pay increases for the next 9.5 years.  Inflation keeps raising and my family struggles to keep up.

  • This was a very bad contract and for a long long time.

  • Tired of hearing the BS about my rewards being based upon how well the company does when I see cases every day of waste and very poor decision making by upper management.....with the result of these decisions affecting "how well the company does".

  • to be able to vote on this contract

  • To get fair compensation and medical benefits.

  • to get Spirit and SPEEA back together and improve the contract and send a message to Spirit leaders that they can do better.

  • To have a contract,  I do not have a problem with the way Spirit pays me.   If you get in a statemate what is the change of a recertication vote and the union is voted out and I do not have a contract?

  • to many years and the cap on the rasie and no cap on the insur.

  • To protect future jobs with decent benefits for the younger individuals who have to endure a long contract

  • To protect my future

  • To provide for my family.

  • To support my fellow union brother and sisters I talked with and felt it was not a good contract.

  • too long a contract without any financial gains for the workers - just the company.

  • Too long of a contract with too small salary adjustment caps

  • too long term, salary caps, health premiums. take your pick.

  • Too many "ifs" on wages, I want to know exact figures for each year since the contract is for 9.5 yrs.

  • Too many items without a "cap" that could come back and bite employees.

  • Too many take aways, without a balancing potential to make them up.

  • Too many unknowns.

  • Too much taken away and too long a contract.

  • Total union busting, degrading, benefit gutting proposal. Did I sugar coat it?

  • Turner and his team of execs. have gotten hundreds of millions since Spirit was formed. They are worth nothing without us and the other employees. Share the benefits with the people that make the company money.

  • Unacceptable to compensated at a lower level than WEU with no guaranteed re-negotiation if the economy and business booms.  M.E.s alone could shut the production line down.

  • unfair contract

  • unfairness of the contract

  • Very poor contract offer by Spirit.

  • Wage increases are not fair.

  • Wages and retirement benifits were not up to par with my standards.

  • wages, medical insurance and retirement benefits

  • Wages, medical,retirement

  • was not an acceptable contract

  • Was not equal to the SPEEA engineers contract from last year (not even close)

  • WAY 2 LONG

  • We (salaried employees) have historically recieved about half of what hourly employees. This is just not right.
  • we are being taken advantage of.


  • We have got to protect ourselves, but more over is protecting future employees that might seek employment @ Spirit

  • We mean nothing to the company.

  • We need a better contract

  • We were offered a contract that offered lower benefits\compensation than the other union\units contracts. we just want  equality

  • When you factor in the Cost of Living, insurance premium "sharing", and essentially no pay increase, this contract is a long-term pay CUT during a timeframe that commercial aerospace is heading into an upswing.

  • Why do I want to stay here for another 9 1/2 years while my standard of living continues to go downhill?

  • With the one team concept promoted by management, I believe everyone should be treated the same.  We should not be the lowest in wage increases and/or bonuses.

  • Worst offer I've ever seen!  Me and my business unit could exceed wildest expectations and I could get nothing for 9.5 yrs.

  • WTPU has always been given the bottom of the barrel as far as offers are concerned.  Everyone is important to building the product, including us.

  • zero raises, long crappy contract, all my costs going up with no possible raise for 9.5 years!

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