
SPEEA supports Boeing firefighters fighting for a fair contract

Casey Yeager
IAFF Local I-66
PO Box 1768
Renton, WA 98057

April 15, 2024

Dear President Yeager,

On behalf of the more than 16,000 Boeing engineers, technical workers and pilots who are proud members of the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), IFPTE Local 2001, we strongly support the members of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local I-66’s battle to secure a fair contract from The Boeing Company.

The firefighters at Boeing perform critical functions that ensure the safety of the people who work for the company as well as the security of the company’s buildings and equipment. In addition to saving Boeing billions of dollars in insurance premiums through fire prevention, their presence at Boeing’s Puget Sound facilities has literally saved lives.

Given all the benefits these Boeing workers provide to the company and its shareholders -- and at a time when Boeing safety practices are under global scrutiny -- we find it hard to understand why the company is choosing to pick a fight with the frontline safety providers of Local I-66.

More than 80% of Local I-66 members rejected Boeing’s initial contract offer on March 3. As the mandatory 60-day cooling off period comes to an end, SPEEA wants to go on record as supporting the firefighters’ efforts to secure a fair contract that:
• Increases staffing to adequate levels at Boeing fire stations.
• Boosts pay at the Boeing Fire Department up to the level of other local departments.
• Does not require Boeing firefighters to dedicate 19 years of service before reaching the top of their pay scale.
• Does not slash funding for mental health assistance programs for firefighters, especially since many are military veterans who view these services as life changing.

Boeing firefighters deserve a contract that respects their contributions to keeping the company’s most vital assets safe. SPEEA is proud to stand with them.

SPEEA Executive Board

John Dimas
Dan Nowlin
Ryan Rule
Jeffrey Forbes
Northwest VP
Mike Arrington
Northwest VP
Chris Streckfus
Midwest VP