January 14, 2010


To:                   NW SPEEA Council Members

From:              NW SPEEA L&PA Committee

Subject:           PRESUBMITTED NEW BUSINESS:  Support Local Economic Development and Job Creation





The NW SPEEA Council sets policy for issues that arise in the Washington State legislative sessions. SPEEA members and staff advocate with their elected officials and sometimes testify on proposed legislation during our lobby days in February, and at other times during the session.


In 2003, the State Legislature passed a generous tax incentive to attract final assembly of the 787. This year, the State Legislature may respond to Boeing's decision to open a second 787 production line elsewhere. We should be prepared to advocate for our members as this situation develops.


Along similar lines, SPEEA participates in the Governor's Aerospace Council, and in other public venues where questions arise about making a positive business climate, attracting and retaining new business, and creating jobs in local communities.


Polices and rules being debated will have a direct effect on our members, their families and communities. The NW Council should adopt guidelines regarding state and local incentives for economic development, for SPEEA delegates and staff to follow.





It is moved that:


It shall be the policy of the NW SPEEA COUNCIL to permit member political activists and staff to support statewide or local legislation or public policy for economic development that includes explicit controls or feedback that connects the use of public resources to local economic well-being, such as the creation and retention of jobs in our local communities. This would apply to legislation or policies that provide incentives, subsidies, tax reductions or other public resources.






·         These issues are directly connected to the economic well-being of SPEEA members and families.



·         Any act of legislation or policy may cover many subjects, with some provisions that may have mixed support from our membership.