October 28, 2010


TO:                  SPEEA Council

FROM:           Organizational Planning Committee

SUBJECT:     Pre-Submitted New Business:  Motion authorizing an organizing

                      campaign for Field Service Representative (FSR) employees of The

                      Boeing Company



SPEEA staff was recently approached by Field Service Representative (FSR) employees of The Boeing Company about the possibility of their joining our union.  This was promptly reported to the Organizational Planning Committee in accordance with our Governing Documents.  It is expected that our current staff can provide support as required.  The Organizational Planning Committee has reviewed this potential addition to SPEEA and believes that it is consistent with our Governing Documents, the applicable portions of which are as follows:

SPEEA Constitution, Part 1, Introduction

The purpose of SPEEA shall be to foster unity among engineers, scientists and technical employees who constitute the aerospace community to the end that they can improve their economic, professional and social status through the medium of collective bargaining and all other legal means.

2.1. Composition of SPEEA

2.1.1. Addition of Bargaining Units

The addition of new Bargaining Unit(s) to SPEEA or any change in the composition of any Bargaining Unit shall meet the following requirements:

The addition of any Bargaining Unit(s) which contain(s) either Boeing, Boeing wholly-owned subsidiary, Boeing joint venture or Successor employees or a change to the composition of any existing Bargaining Unit(s) shall not require ratification by the Regular Membership of SPEEA.

The addition of any Bargaining Unit(s) employed in the Engineering, Technical & Scientific Community which does not contain either Boeing, Boeing wholly-owned subsidiary, Boeing joint venture or Successor employees shall require ratification by a simple majority vote of the Regular Membership of SPEEA by referendum.

SPEEA Policy Manual, Section II - Council Actions; Subsection D - Expansion

1.   Organizing is defined as that activity leading up to recognition of SPEEA as the collective bargaining representative for a specific group of employees.

2.   SPEEA policy is to organize groups that contain technical/professional employees of Boeing, Boeing wholly owned subsidiaries, Boeing joint ventures or successor employers. a. Preliminary discussions that indicate the existence of an organizing opportunity shall be reported to the SPEEA Organizational Planning Committee.

b.   Each distinct organizing effort will be approved by the SPEEA Council prior to filing with the appropriate agency.

c.   The Organizational Planning Committee will receive timely and continuing updates on each distinct organizing effort and shall report to the SPEEA Council on these activities.

3.   Organizing of groups of employees other than those described in [2] above requires specific Council approval.

4.   Where specific Council action is required, the Organizational Planning Committee will present the facts and a recommendation to the SPEEA Council.

5.   The SPEEA Council is committed to finding ways to make the process used by non-represented workers to form a bargaining unit more efficient and less costly. The following should be among the considerations when organizing new SPEEA bargaining units:

a.   Community of interest between the proposed new members and the existing SPEEA membership;

b.   Ability of the proposed new members to enhance bargaining power and/or strategic leverage of the existing SPEEA membership;

c.   A cost/benefit analysis of the new bargaining unit’s additional dues revenue versus cost of providing services to the proposed new members.

SPEEA By-Laws, Section 2 – GENERAL

2.1 - Composition of SPEEA

2.1.1. Addition of Bargaining Units

The addition of any bargaining unit(s) consisting of employees of Boeing, Boeing wholly-owned subsidiaries, Boeing joint ventures or successor employers shall require authorization by the SPEEA Council. The addition of any bargaining unit(s) consisting of employees in the Engineering, Technical & Scientific Community which does not contain either Boeing, Boeing wholly-owned subsidiary, Boeing joint venture or successor employees shall require the SPEEA Council to initiate a referendum to the membership per the requirements of the SPEEA Constitution.


It is moved that The SPEEA Council authorizes an organizing campaign leading to the addition of all Field Service Representative (FSR) employees of The Boeing Company domiciled within the United States and all its territories and possessions to the Professional Bargaining Unit of the Northwest Region.