August 26, 2010




To:                   NW SPEEA Council


From:              Joel Funfar (P2), Joe Asaif (P2), Brent McFarlane (E50), Bob Wilkerson (R50), Bob Weiss (E17), Sandra Hastings (E18), Judy Mogan (A10), David Baine (A40)


Subject:           Pre-Submitted New Business: Support of Teamsters Locals 38, 117, 174, 252, 313, & 589 on Strike & in Negotiations with Coca-Cola.




SPEEA has been supported by Teamsters Locals 174 & 117 during our strike in 2000. Local 174 are a member of Coalition of Labor Union at Boeing (CLUB). They have always been supportive of SPEEA IFPTE Local 2001 when ever asked.

Approximately 500 Coke employees from 6 Teamster Locals across Western Washington went on strike at 5 P.M. this afternoon (August 24) in response to the Company’s surveillance and intimidation of its employees and its refusal to bargain a contract in good faith.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is investigating the company for serious and repeated violations of federal labor law, including “surface bargaining”, surveillance of its employees, and threatening retaliation against workers for engaging in protected activities.

“The last thing we wanted is a strike, but Coke has left us no alternative,” said Tracey A. Thompson, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 117 and lead negotiator for the Union. “The Company’s refusal to bargain a contract has resulted in hardship for 500 Coke employees and their families and the disruption of its own operations.”

“The Union will not tolerate Coke engaging in surveillance of its employees, including taking photographs of employees who have engaged in activities that are protected under federal labor law,” Thompson added.

Negotiations between Coke and a coalition of six Teamsters Local Unions called Washington Teamsters United have been underway since April, but the company refused to bargain with the Union for over 10 weeks, and then began an aggressive campaign of unfair labor practices.

Key issues in bargaining include the Company’s desire to eliminate health care for Coke retirees and to raise the share of the cost employees pay on their health care premiums by 800%. In 2009, the Coca-Cola Company’s revenues were over $30 billion.

The Coca-Cola Co. employs 92,800 worldwide. CCE’s revenues were over $21 billion. CCE employs 70,000 worldwide.

Washington Teamsters United, which includes Teamsters Local Unions 38, 117, 174, 252, 313, and 589, represents approximately 500 Coke employees at six Western Washington area locations, in Bellevue, Marysville, Fife, Tacoma, Aberdeen and Bremerton.

Teamsters picket line at Coca-Cola - 1150 124th Ave NE., Bellevue, WA

The pickets are up 24/7, but they especially need help between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Approximate percentages of populations from the different teamster locals:


IBT 117                  40%

IBT 174                  25%

IBT 313                  20%

IBT 38                      5%

IBT 252                    5%

IBT 589                    5%




It is moved that the NW SPEEA Council supports Teamsters Locals 38, 117, 174, 252, 313, & 589 in their strike & negotiations with Coca Cola.


It is also moved that the Northwest Council supports SPEEA contributing up to $3,000.00 from labor support for the strike and support as needed.  


The NW council requests the SPEEA E Board to work with the Teamsters to directly support the striking teamsters.