January 31, 2011


To:                   NW SPEEA Council

From:              NW SPEEA Legislative and Public Affairs Committee

Subject:           Pre-Submitted New Business: Sponsor EOI Annual Banquet




The Economic Opportunity Institute (EOI) is a local economic think-tank associated with organized labor and working family issues. Its accomplishments include

EOI's web site: http://www.eoionline.org/about.htm


In 2010, EOI developed research for the income tax on high earners, coupled to a reduction in property tax, and reduction in B&O tax for small businesses.


EOI is working with SPEEA and IAM local 751 to develop a business case to recruit new employers to the Washington State aerospace cluster. This effort is running in parallel to the Governor's Aerospace Council, which has made recruitment of new employers one of its top priorities.


The budget for EOI comes from unions, foundation grants, and private contributions from major individual donors. Each year, EOI hosts a banquet, with keynote speakers and an award for outstanding public service. This year's banquet was co-sponsored by IAM local 751, Group Health, Washington Education Association, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UFCW Local 21, SEIU Local 775, AFT, Greater Seattle Business Association, UAW local 4121, among others.


SPEEA began contributing to EOI in the 2006-07 fiscal year. However, we did not contribute in the 2007-08 and 2008-09 fiscal years. The 2010-11 NW SPEEA budget includes $2500 to support EOI.





It is moved that: The NW SPEEA Council approves sponsoring the EOI annual banquet, and budgets $2500 toward that event going forward.



·         EOI is working with SPEEA and the IAM on recruiting new employers in aerospace

·         EOI contributes to positive political discussion on issues important to working families

·         EOI researches a legislative agenda that aligns with labor, including minimum wage, health care, education and other key issues.



·         Some members may object to some of the money being spent on a banquet versus an unrestricted contribution

·         Some members may see this as funding multiple organizations that do the same kind of work.

·         Some members may oppose EOI's tax/entitlement agenda