February 10, 2011


To:                   NW SPEEA Council

From:              NW SPEEA Legislative and Public Affairs Committee

Subject:           Pre-Submitted New Business: Sponsor IAM-SPEEA-EOI Aerospace Recruitment





Representatives from SPEEA and the IAM sit on the Governor's Aerospace Council. The IAM and SPEEA worked in coordination with the Economic Opportunity Institute to encouraged the Governor's Aerospace Council to give high priority to recruiting new employers to our aerospace cluster.


The Economic Opportunity Institute (EOI) worked with a UW graduate student to research potential large employers, and outline a business case to attract them to Washington State. A local consultant, John Engber has made contacts with potential investors, and public figures.


As the EOI recruitment effort moved forward, Washington State contracted with consultants in Europe and China to promote local aerospace businesses. Washington State sends delegations to China, The Air Shows in Farnborough UK and Paris France. Washington State would like to see an Air Show established in the US, preferably in Washington State, as a platform to build our aerospace industry cluster. 


Our project with EOI to recruit new employers has reached the point of formalizing an arrangement between John Engber and EOI at a cost of $10,000, to be split between EOI, IAM local 751 and SPEEA. Under the agreement John Engber will develop a consortium approach, work with the Washington State Congressional delegation, state, regional and local elected officials, and prepare a business case and draft plan to recruit employers to Washington State from Europe, Canada, China, or Brazil. The arrangement would conclude by June 30, 2012.




It is moved that: The NW SPEEA Council approves participating with IAM local 751 and the Economic Opportunity Institute for a proposal to recruit new employers for the industry cluster in Washington State, with a total cost to SPEEA of $3,333.33.



·         EOI is working with SPEEA and the IAM on recruiting new employers in aerospace

·         EOI contributes to positive political discussion on issues important to working families

·         EOI researches a legislative agenda that aligns with labor, including minimum wage, health care, education and other key issues.



·         EOI has failed to achieve many of its legislative objectives

·         A foreign company might not act in the best interests of America

·         Aerospace competitors (even domestic ones) may become more formidable by using our tax incentives