May 23, 2011


To:                   SPEEA Council

From:              SPEEA L&PA Committee

Subject:          PRESUBMITTED NEW BUSINESS: Support Legislation to Develop a National Manufacturing Strategy for the United States





While U.S. manufacturing has been hit hard by more than 30 years of accelerated import growth and job loss, the manufacturing sector remains a vital part of the U.S. economy.

Failed trade agreements and lack of any coherent National Industrial Policy have diminished and eroded U.S. manufacturing sectors. This decline in domestic manufacturing has significantly impacted core industries in the US, including the aerospace industry.

Senate Bill 751 and HR 1366 call for the development of a national manufacturing strategy.                                                                                                                                                                  


 75                     S. 751 introduced in the Senate in April 2011

                          Would require the Secretary of Commerce to develop a comprehensive national manufacturing strategy.

                     The goals of the strategy are as follows:


(A) To increase the aggregate number of manufacturing jobs in the United States.


                      (B) To identify emerging technologies to strengthen the competitiveness of the United States in the global marketplace.


                      (C) To strengthen manufacturing sectors in which the United States is most competitive in the global economy.




It is moved that: THE SPEEA Council supports legislative efforts such as

S. 751 and H.R. 1366 to Develop a National Manufacturing Strategy. 



     Comprehensive US manufacturing strategy would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs and encourage small and large businesses to reinvest in the US economy



      Some will view this as policy direction as protectionism