June 29, 2010


To:                   NW SPEEA Council

From:              NW Council Officers

Subject:           Old Business: 2010-11 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Grant Committee Members




Per policy section VII, Subsection B, the NW Council Officers have advertised for applicants to be part of the grant review committee.  Fifteen applications were submitted. 


A down select was performed based on the following criterion:


1.     The Puget Sound Region was divided up into 4 regions for the purpose of selecting applicants in an effort to select candidates from throughout the region such that no single community will have a dominant representation on the committee


2.     In an effort to enhance regular member involvement, regular members were given priority consideration to be members of the committee.


Per NW policy section VII, Subsection B, Paragraph 5 “The Northwest Regional Council will approve or revise committee membership by simple majority”, this motion is submitted for consideration.




Motion It is moved: THE NW COUNCIL APPROVES THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS BE APPOINTED TO THE Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Grant Committee for 2010-11:


regular members:

            William HarKness

            Taiboo Song

            Kalan Guiley

            Emmanuel Anusiem



            kathie marquardt

            franklin chinn