October 4, 2010




To:                   SPEEA Council


From:               Earl Carter (MW-VP), SPEEA Governing Documents Committee

                        Co-Sponsors: Debbie Logsdon (S-4), Brenda Reiling (S-4), Rhonda Greer (S-4), Ryan Rule (NW-VP)


Subject:            Pre-Submitted New Business:  Election of IFPTE Vice Presidents




SPEEA completed its affiliation with the IFPTE in October, 1999.  At that time, the MW consisted of the WEU only.  Since that date, the WTPU was formed and the Irving bargaining unit was added to the MW region.  The SPEEA constitution specifies that IFPTE Vice Presidents are to be selected per the SPEEA By-Laws.  The current process provides a condition whereby the Midwest IFPTE Vice President is selected by all SPEEA members rather than those from the MW.  This creates a situation where the Vice President may not be the one the MW membership voted to represent them.  



It is moved that section of the SPEEA By-Laws be revised as follows: IFPTE Vice Presidents

IFPTE Area Vice Presidents are formally nominated and elected at the IFPTE Convention by the Local’s IFPTE delegates as required by the IFPTE Constitution. The SPEEA Regular Membership selects by secret ballot SPEEA’s nominees. The nominees shall be selected on a separate ballot or ballot section from any ballot used for any other purposes. shall recommend SPEEA’s nominees to the IFPTE delegates through a secret ballot election. The SPEEA IFPTE delegates should nominate and elect at the Convention the candidates selected by SPEEA’s Regular Membership.

A nomination for an IFPTE Vice President position should be accomplished by filing a petition with the SPEEA Tellers Committee. The petition shall be endorsed by a minimum of twenty (20) Regular SPEEA Members in good standing. A candidate must be a Regular Member of SPEEA in continuous good standing for at least two (2) full years prior to the convention.

The SPEEA Tellers Committee shall be responsible for validating the petitions; specifying a final date for receipt of the petitions; and ensuring the candidates’ statements meet the requirements as defined in SPEEA Policy.

If SPEEA is eligible for two or less Vice Presidents, then the SPEEA members shall select the Vice President nominees from the list of candidates. If SPEEA is eligible for more than two Vice Presidents, then SPEEA members shall select at least one Vice President nominee from each region of SPEEA. The IFPTE Vice Presidents are not eligible for IFPTE delegate positions.

The nominees shall be selected on a separate ballot or ballot section from any ballot used for any other purposes. Voting for the nominees will be accomplished as followed:

1.       If SPEEA has more regions than eligible IFPTE Vice President positions

a.       The SPEEA members shall select the IFPTE Vice President nominees from the list of candidates.

2.       If SPEEA has as many regions as eligible IFPTE Vice President positions

a.       The regional SPEEA members shall select one IFPTE Vice President nominee from their region of SPEEA.

3.       If SPEEA has more IFPTE Vice President positions than regions

a.       Each region will be allotted one position for regional SPEEA members to select an IFPTE Vice President nominee. Additional positions will be allocated to regions based on relative population such that the difference in the number of members represented by any two IFPTE Vice Presidents is minimized.


The candidates shall be selected no later than forty-five (45) days or earlier than ninety (90) days prior to the start of the convention. If a selected candidate is incapable of taking office due to resignation, incapacity, death, or failure to meet the requirements of office prior to the convention elections, the next candidate from the member balloting will fill their position.

1.       In the case of a member balloting from a region having no candidate for a replacement recommendation:

a.       The IFPTE Delegates may choose to select a candidate from another region’s member balloting.

2.       In the case of a member balloting from SPEEA having no candidate for a replacement recommendation:

a.       The IFPTE Delegates may choose to select a Regular Member in continuous good standing for at least two (2) years prior to the convention.

The IFPTE Vice Presidents are not eligible for IFPTE delegate positions.

The SPEEA and Regional Councils may provide information and input to the IFPTE Vice Presidents on matters pertinent to IFPTE and SPEEA. IFPTE Vice Presidents should provide periodic reports on IFPTE business to the SPEEA and Regional Councils.

In the event of a vacancy of a Vice President position during their term of office caused by the resignation, incapacity, death, or failure to meet the requirements of office, the SPEEA Council Officers shall advertise the vacancy in at least two (2) issues of an official publication of SPEEA. The SPEEA Secretary will forward to the IFPTE any notification of vacancy or replacement. The candidates for the vacant position will follow the above-established procedure for submitting a petition to be considered for selection. Vacancies associated to a SPEEA region shall be filled by a candidate from that region; otherwise vacancies shall be filled from the total list of candidates. The selection shall be by secret ballot of the SPEEA Council; the SPEEA Council Officers shall forward the selection to the IFPTE Executive Council within fifty-five (55) days of the date of the vacancy. The replacement Vice President shall hold office for the remainder of the term.


In the event that a vacancy of a Vice President position occurs within fifty-five (55) days of the membership vote for selection, the SPEEA Council shall fill the vacancy with the candidate (who is able to serve out the remaining term) with the highest number of votes from that membership vote (being mindful of the conditions that may associate Vice Presidents to regions). The replacement Vice President shall hold office for the remainder of the term.


1.       Vacancies associated to a SPEEA region shall be filled by a candidate from that region. The selection shall be by secret ballot of the Regional Council; the Regional Council Officers shall forward the selection to the IFPTE Executive Council within fifty-five (55) days of the date of the vacancy. The replacement IFPTE Vice President shall hold office for the remainder of the term.

2.       Vacancies by candidates not associated to a SPEEA region shall be filled from the total list of candidates. The selection shall be by secret ballot of the SPEEA Council; the SPEEA Council Officers shall forward the selection to the IFPTE Executive Council within fifty-five (55) days of the date of the vacancy. The replacement IFPTE Vice President shall hold office for the remainder of the term.