August 30, 2010




To:                   NW Council Reps


From:              NW Women’s Advocacy Committee


Subject:          Pre-Submitted New Business:  Support for SPEEA’s NW Council to Engage in Voluntary, Non-partisan, Get out the Vote Campaign.




With two and a half months until the November election and with the Washington State primary in the past, we are asking for the NW Council’s support of a voluntary, non-partisan Get out the Vote Campaign intended to educate and inform the members of voter registration requirements for Washington State and its pertinent counties.


The NW WAC would supply volunteer NW Council Reps with electronic packets that include registration materials and information that can be discussed during lunch or off hours events scheduled by the CR, at their discretion, for his/her members.                                              




It is moved that the nw council support a get out the vote campaign with electronic packets of information to be supplied to NW COUNCIL cr’s who volunteer to particpate.