January 31, 2011


TO:      SPEEA Northwest Council

FROM:            Roger Pullman (CR, E-16)

Subject:  Pre-Submitted New Business:  Robert’s Rules of Order Training



The NW Regional Council has made it clear that they wish to conduct their meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Until recently, no such training was made available to the NW Regional Council Chair. Since the NW Regional Council has no control over or input to the training offered by the SPEEA LD&T Committee; there is no way of ensuring that this training will be available to the NW Regional Council Chair in the future.

Robert’s Rules of Order was designed as a means of conducting meetings in an orderly and efficient manner, while providing a means of allowing all members of a body to be heard and be treated in a respectful manner.

It is in the best interests of the Northwest Regional Council and the Members whom they represent that our meetings be conducted in a fashion that is both effective and inclusive. Having a Chair that is well-versed on Robert’s Rules of Order is essential to make that happen.




IT IS MOVED that the NW Council revise the Northwest Policy Manual to require that the Northwest Regional Council Chair attend at least four hours of training in Robert’s Rules of Order within the first 90 days of his or her first term of office. If the Chair is re-elected, he or she will be required to take two hours of refresher training within 90 days of that election. All such training shall be conducted by a certified parliamentarian. The Northwest Regional Council Chair may, at his or her discretion, attend refresher training during the second year of his or her term. The Northwest Regional Council budget shall include a line item for this training. Cost will be limited to $600 per year. Other Northwest Regional Council Officers or SPEEA Council Officers may attend this training by their choice.