February 15, 2011



To:                   SPEEA Council Delegates


From:              Organizational Planning Committee


Subject:          Pre-submitted New Business:  Appropriation of FY 2011 Funds




On January 13th, 2011, the SPEEA Council approved a FY 2011 Budget which included an allocation of $4,400 for special organizing training and 256 hours of SPEEA time for committee members to attend the Org Planning Committee training and meetings.  This dollar amount and SPEEA time was approved by the Org Planning Committee on 12/14/2010.


Per the SPEEA Treasurer’s instructions, said allocation will require approval of the SPEEA Council to appropriate said funds and hours for the Org Planning Committee to perform the function of the committee. 


As the main FY 2011 Budget motion will have been approved by the time this motion has been presented to the SPEEA Council, the committee respectfully requests this motion be given due consideration and approval by the Council.







It is moved THE SPEEA COUNCIL APPROVEs THE SPEEA Org Planning COMMITTEE APPROPRIATION OF $4,400 FOR SPECIAL organizing training from the afl-cio staff anD 256 (Two Hundred Fifty six) HOURS OF SPEEA TIME FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO ATTEND SPEEA ORG PLanning COMMITTEE training and MEETINGS in fy 2011.