Thursday, November 8, 2018

SPEEA Union Halls: Everett, Tukwila

Maps and directions:


Calling in to the meeting is limited to Council Reps seated in Oregon, Spokane, California and Utah







Regular Meeting


3:30 PM (PT)

4:00 PM (PT)

4:30 PM (PT)

5:00 PM (PT)





Pre-Meeting  The Governor’s Choose Washington NMA Council by Chelsea Orvella (SPEEA Legislative Director), Bill Dugovich (SPEEA Communications Director) and Stan Sorscher (SPEEA Labor Representative).



NW Regional Council Meeting

Business of the SPEEA Northwest Council

a)  Pledge of Allegiance

b)  Certification of Quorum

c)  Recognition of New Council Reps

d)  Approval of September 13, 2018 NW Council Meeting


e)  Call for New Business


Unfinished Business


Pre-Submitted New Business

a)   NW18-018 Questions for Northwest Vice President



Announcements (Limit of 3 min. each)


New Business


Good of the Union (Limit of 3 min. each)


Northwest Officer's Reports

a)    a)  NW Chair’s Report

b)  NW Treasurer's Report

c)  NW Secretary’s Report


Northwest Council Committee Reports


SPEEA Reports

a)  Executive Board Report

b)  SPEEA Treasurer’s Report

c)  Executive Director's Report

d)  SPEEA Council Officer Report



Please Check In For Attendance

Expense reimbursement for October 2018 must be submitted by end of November 2018


2018-2019  Dates To Remember – Mark Your Calendar!

NW Regional Council Meeting – Thursday December 13, 2018

Motions due for December 2018 NW Regional Council Meeting – Noon, December 3, 2018

SPEEA Council Meeting – Thursday,  January 10, 2019

Motions due for January 2019 SPEEA Council Meeting – Noon, January 2, 2018