Thursday, May 9, 2019

SPEEA Union Halls: Everett & Tukwila

Maps and directions:


Calling in to the meeting is limited to Council Reps seated in Oregon, Spokane, Utah, California

and Council Reps working alternate shifts




Pacific Time





Regular Northwest Meeting


3:30 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m.





Site Breakout



(Chaired by the Northwest Tellers Committee Chair)

a)  Pledge of Allegiance

b)  Tellers seat 2019-2021 NW Council

c)   Certification of Quorum

d)  Election of NW Council Chair

Business of the SPEEA Northwest Council

a) Election of NW Council Treasurer

b) Election of NW Council Secretary

c) Approval of April 11, 2019 NW Council Meeting Minutes.

d) Call for New Business


Unfinished Business


Pre-Submitted New Business


Announcements (3 min. limit)






New Business


Good of the Union (Limit of 3 min. each)


Northwest Officer's Reports

a) Leadership Conference June 8, 2019

b) Appoint Designated Alternates for New Term

c) Reorganization of NW Council Committees

d) Council Rep Basic Training

e) NW Treasurer's Report


Northwest Council Committee Reports (3 min)

a) NW Action & Communications Taskforce Committee


SPEEA Reports

a) Executive Board Report

b) SPEEA Treasurer’s Report

c) Executive Director's Report

d) SPEEA Council Chair’s Report




Please Check In For Attendance

Expense reimbursement for April must be submitted by end of May 2019


2019 Dates To Remember – Mark Your Calendar!

Motions due for June Council Meeting – Noon, Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Motions for July 11 Regional Council Meeting – Noon, Monday, July 1, 2019

SPEEA Council Annual Convention – Friday, June 7, 2019

Annual Leadership Conference – Saturday, June 8, 2019