Northwest Technical Bargaining Unit Council Meeting


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Registration     3:30 PM PT

Technical BUC Meeting        4:00 PM PT


Special Note:  To reduce COVID-19 exposure risk, this meeting will be a virtual only meeting! Connection information is included below.

Please remember that your log in criteria that has been provided to you via email for the GO TO Meeting is individual specific and not identical to others.


If you become disconnected during the meeting, when logging back in please make sure to use the webinar id referenced below.



NW Technical Bargaining Unit Council Meeting

Call meeting to Order
Business of the SPEEA Northwest Council

a)   Pledge of Allegiance

b)  Certification of Quorum

c)   Explain rules of engagement for virtual meeting

d) Approval of February 13, 2020 Tech BUC Minutes


Pre-Submitted New Business


-        NW20-009 (Contract Extension)

-        NW20-010 (Position Statement)





Please Check In For Attendance

Expense reimbursement for March 2020 must be submitted by end of April 2020


2020 DATES To Remember – Mark Your Calendar!

NW Regional Council Meeting– Thursday, April 9, 2020