Council Committees
For current meeting dates and times, visit the
SPEEA Council Committees
Diversity Committee

Chair: Vacant  
Vice-Chair: Peter Goodfellow 425-306-7801
Secretary: Raquel P. Cundiff 425-328-4164

Meeting Time: Second Wednesday of every month at 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time) / 6:30 p.m. (Central Time)

This committee is chartered to foster diversity within SPEEA and provide an avenue for addressing the problems and issues associated with a lack of understanding diversity that may lead to discrimination and harassment. This committee works on providing information and education to increase members understanding and to promote union involvement with all segments of SPEEA members.

Governing Documents Committee

Chair: R Matthew Joyce 316-207-7121
Vice-Chair: Alex Phillips 206-849-5967
Secretary: Jimmie Mathis 425-223-1373

Meeting Time: 3rd Wednesday of every month at 4 p.m. (Pacific Time) / 6 p.m. (Central Time)

Develops changes it deems necessary, based on its own review of the SPEEA Governing Documents and/or request of the SPEEA Council or other governing body. Reviews SPEEA Council action for inclusion in the SPEEA Policy Manual. Reviews and recommends policy on association, affiliation and merger. Recommends affiliation/merger with other unions. Recommends and proposes new policies as the need arises. Prior to any printing of the SPEEA Governing Documents and/or any amendments thereto, the final draft of said publication must be certified in writing by the Chairman or designee of the SPEEA Governing Documents Committee.

Leadership Development and Training Committee

Reformed 10/01/2024
Chair: Dan Nowlin 425-583-2344
Vice-Chair: Shaunna Winton 253-720-0827
Secretary: Jimmie Mathis 425-223-1373

Meeting Time: 1st Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. (Pacific Time) / 6 p.m. (Central Time)

Responsible for generating pathways for SPEEA leadership development and training, and creating a well-informed, motivated, respected, and highly-skilled group of member activists to fill leadership positions throughout our organization. Responsible for planning, implementing, and providing services, facilities, and manpower for seminars, leadership training, and other educational meetings.

Legislative and Public Affairs Committee

Chair: Dan Nowlin 425-583-2344
Vice-Chair: R Matthew Joyce 316-207-7121
Secretary: David Garrett 425-294-1082

Meeting Time: 3rd Monday of every month at 3:30 p.m. (Pacific Time) / 5:30 p.m. (Central Time)

Analyzes pending federal legislation, politicians and political candidates’ positions as they relate to SPEEA goals and objectives. Responsible for compliance with SPEEA Policy Manual Section on legislative actions, endorsements and objectives. Reviews IFPTE and AFL-CIO legislative activities and recommends direction to delegates. 

Organizational Planning Committee

Chair: Mike Berryhill 206-475-9824
Vice-Chair: Mike Pirone 206-544-2773
Secretary: Jimmie Mathis 425-223-1373

Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of March, June, Sept., and Dec. at 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time) / 6:30 p.m. (Central Time)

SPEEA Organizational Planning Committee - Develops, plans and investigates mergers, associations and organizational campaign with other aerospace employees and unions. This committee will coordinate affiliation, merger and association activities with the SPEEA Governing Documents Committee.

Veterans Committee

Chair: Mike Shea 425-294-2349
Vice-Chair: Byron Henderson 425-314-8888
Secretary: Vacant  

Meeting Time: 4th Thursday of every other month at 4 p.m. (Pacific) / 6 p.m. (Central)

Provides an avenue for addressing the problems and issues associated with SPEEA's military employees, veterans and their families. Provides information and education to increase SPEEA member's understanding of veterans' and their families issues. Works with the IFPTE Veterans' Committee to influence national positions, congressional legislation and administrative rulemaking.

Visit the Veterans webpage