July 2018 NW Vice president
Election Candidate Statements

(In ballot order determined by the Tellers)

Shaunna Winton

SPEEA member since 2005
SPEEA Area Representative, 2013 – present
Ed Wells Partnership (EWP) Ambassador, 2013 – present

I have been a SPEEA member since 2005 and have been an active SPEEA Area Representative since 2013. 

Although Boeing has been my only union job, I was exposed to unions at a young age as my father was a Teamster.  I witnessed him on the picket line and saw the solidarity of the union.  When I first hired in as a SPEEA member, I did not immediately see the full value of being a union member in a professional field.  It was when I took a special assignment in North Charleston at what was initially a Vought facility when I arrived, that I really saw the benefits we receive and how the union worked for us. 

Since that time, I have been active as an Ed Wells Ambassador where I have shared and promoted the resources available to SPEEA members though the EWP program.  I see the value these programs offer and want members to be aware of the benefits that SPEEA provides. 

Throughout my career, I have worked primarily in fabrication at sites such as Frederickson and Charleston and an international assignment in Australia, where I have interacted with SPEEA members that do not always feel as if their voices are heard.  As a woman from a small site, I better understand the needs of members in less represented areas.   However, I have also worked assignments in Renton and Everett and feel that I can provide a broader perspective to our members. 

David Wilkinson

I am David Wilkinson and have been active with SPEEA since 1986. I became a Council Representative last May when my District had no representation. This past year, in addition to our Council Rep meetings and Conventions, I participated in the labor Notes Conference in Chicago, learning about union history and activism.  I became energized knowing our Executive Board needs to be aware of the current pulse of membership and of the importance of communication between our elected representatives and membership.  Working as a Tech Lead in Manufacturing Engineering, I have experience working with many different groups and managers and believe I have smart leadership skills from the trenches that can be brought to the Board. Last month Exec Board voted for me to become a King County labor Council delegate, and I plan to become an active participant of the NW legislative Committee this summer.

The next four years are going to be very important to the union, as we are approaching a new contract. The win-win of our new contract will be determined by how engaged our membership is prior to and during negotiations. This is an area where as Vice President I feel my leadership and communication skills can be beneficial.  I look forward to applying my time and skills to support our Executive Board and keep SPEEA moving forward. I hope to get your vote and look forward to serving as your new Vice President of SPEEA.

Mohammed Riaz Khan

My experience qualifies me to effectively provide the leadership that our union needs. I will do my best to ensure that our union will grow strong and stronger in coming years. My goal is to help our union to proactively expand our services and resources for our members. Currently I am serving as a delegate of Snohomish County Labor Council & Washington State Labor Council, area representative and also I am much active with SPEEA committees.  I am always available to assist my union members. You can be assured I will show up and be your advocate.

My current priorities are to make sure that our members are satisfied with the union activities and their membership dues will be used exclusively for the advantage of the union and our members.

This time, I am running for SPEEA – Vice President Position because I want to give back to the SPEEA members. I have the desire to serve our members as the SPEEA-VP and I would really appreciate your vote.


Lindsey J Meiling

Lindsey J. Meiling is a BCA structural design and analysis engineer. While working full-time, she obtained her law degree from Seattle University, with honors.

Recently I had a friend who has been with the company for a few decades, but learned his wages were much below average for his grade and experience.  So he called upon SPEEA to help obtain equanimity.

People’s stories like my friend’s have inspired me to not just sit back and do nothing. Rather, stories like this have inspired me to want to help – not only help my friends and colleagues and people I know, but the community – people who might not otherwise be treated with appropriate equality or respect befitting of Boeing.

I have never run for SPEEA. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to help and contribute in some meaningful way to employees of this great company. And a great company starts by having an empowered workforce.

While running, and possibly serving on the council, may be a brand-new experience for me, I have studied the law, and hope exposure to employment law in my studies can help in my participation with SPEEA if I were to win an elected seat on the board.

I would do my utmost to help SPEEA be as efficient and effective as possible in serving the needs of SPEEA members, and I would listen to the specific situations of anyone who feels neglected or unsupported.  Every SPEEA member should feel valued, and I would do my best to represent the best interests of the amazing people who are the true heart and soul of Boeing.

Dan Nowlin

  • Area & Council Representative
  • Legislative & Public Affairs (L&PA) Chair
  • NW L&PA Secretary
  • Ed Wells Partnership Leadership Team
  • Joint Workforce Committee Member
  • Commitment: At this point in life that I have time to give back. SPEEA is where I will commit myself.  I have the backing of my wife and my family to continue working together for our common goals. I have the passion to serve our members and I look forward to the opportunity to serve as the NW Vice President.
  • Experience – I bring a lifetime of experience to SPEEA as NW Vice President. I am an Area Representative. As a Council Representative, I successfully supported members as they exercised their rights. I represent our members to the Company in the Ed Wells Partnership Leadership Team and the Joint Workforce Committee. My experience qualifies me to effectively provide the leadership that our union deserves.
  • Transparency – I communicate the value of SPEEA. Our members must know that SPEEA leadership is working for us all. We can bridge the gap where our members see themselves as outside our union. We need everyone to recognize themselves as a vital member of SPEEA and to understand the benefits that our union provides. I engage our members in these conversation daily.
  • Leadership – In the past 8 years as a Council Representative, an Area Representative, a committee officer and an activist, I have demonstrated the leadership required of an Executive Board member. I take the responsibilities of leadership seriously working within the Council, and committed to our members. I serve the community volunteering my time to providing leadership to FIRST robotics and STEM education.

Daniel Peters

  • Council Representative, 2016-Present
  • SPEEA/IFPTE At-Large VP to the Washington State Labor Council, 2017-Present
  • Chair of NW Young Members Committee, 2016-Present
  • IFPTE Convention Delegate 2015, 2018 

I wish to represent SPEEA as one of the Northwest Regional Vice Presidents of the Executive Board, and I promise to dedicate myself to the position with a commitment to justice, attention to detail, and a collaborative spirit.

In the six years that I have been a SPEEA member, I have come to recognize that I represent a growing segment of our membership, which also happens to be underrepresented in positions of leadership throughout our union. I have a great deal of respect for the SPEEA members at all levels of union involvement, but I also believe that we have to continually develop new leaders and activists in order to flourish as a union. An effective Executive Board requires attentiveness to members’ concerns and a willingness to collaborate on solutions that will benefit the most members possible. The future success and strength of SPEEA also depends on the ability of its leadership to respond to and anticipate the needs of the membership. I am prepared to work diligently on achieving each of these aims, and I am committed to making sure that all of our members feel that they have a voice within their union. I intend to bring a fresh perspective to the Executive Board because we simply cannot afford to settle for the status quo.

Mehmet Ugur Koksu

21 years Boeing Engineering experience; MBA focus on Labor Law; Bellevue College board of advisors committee member; SPEEA activist. District P-3 AR; District P-3 CR.

I am hired as an Engineer in 1996; I have become a CR in 2017; if I am elected as Northwest Vice President; I will reunify us once again; and ensure that our union will grow stronger within the next two years. I have support of more than 400 members and I am on a quest for unlocking our potential, focus on empowering new Boeing aerospace employees; build a diverse and inclusive culture and a new improved 2nd century SPEEA contract that will keep us united and prosperous, generations to come. Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy. I hope you will give me the opportunity to serve our union in this role.

As a District P-3 Counsel Representative, I meet members who need SPEEA support when they are unfairly treated at work; My first priority is to expand our support for 2nd century Boeing work force; fix broken processes such as Performance Management exercise or terminate non value added member programs; work with Boeing HR and Leadership on improve our lives and enables our personal growth; ensure we become innovative and stay competitive.

My goal is to work collaboratively to find solutions in “a data-rich environment” outside of the constraints of the collective bargaining processes; help our union to proactively improve our services and resources for our members; build solidarity among members; and get a better contract for our new Boeing employees and SPEEA members, in the Northwest.