
Kansas Legislative Update - March 2021

Prepared by Brandon Anderson, SPEEA Legislative Director

March kicks off a series of high-stakes deadlines with the Kansas state legislature. March 5, known as “Turnaround Day,” marks the deadline for non-exempt bills to be voted out of their house of origin – House or Senate. Bills not voted out of their house of origin by then are considered “dead” for the remainder of the session.

As we move into the final days before adjournment on April 9, SPEEA continues working to ensure our priorities keep moving through the legislative process and problematic bills do not.

Update on key state bills

Aviation education tax-incentive (HB 2328): If passed, HB 2328 would institute a state income tax credit to employers who provide tuition assistance to their employees in the aerospace and aviation-related field. It would also establish a tax credit for individual employees with degrees who are working in Kansas’ aerospace sector. SPEEA strongly supports this bill’s effort to encourage aerospace manufacturing growth in the state and help recruit and retain talent. HB 2328 was scheduled for a Feb. 22 public hearing in the House Committee on Taxations but was canceled last minute. Because the bill is “exempt” from earlier cutoffs, SPEEA will continue to work for the passage of HB 2328 before March 31.

Extending the Engineering Initiative Act (HB 2101): As amended, HB 2101 would extend the current transfer of the first $10.5 million credit to the Expanded Lottery Act Revenues Fund to the Kan-grow engineering fund. The bill would also continue the goal established under the University Engineering Initiative Act to generate 1,365 graduates per year to meet the engineering workforce needs. HB 2101 passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support and is headed to the Senate to continue through the law-making process. It has until April 9 to pass the Senate to become a law.

Strengthening worker rights in Kansas: SPEEA will work with allies to continue to support the expansion of workers’ rights in Kansas. These policies include the passage of laws that strengthen workers’ freedom to advocate for better wages and safer working conditions.

2021 legislative deadlines

  • Feb. 1 – Last day to request bill drafts

    Feb. 8 – Last day for non-exempt committees to request bill drafts.

    Feb. 10 – Last day for individuals to introduce bills in originating chamber.

    Feb. 12 – Last day for non-exempt committees to introduce bills in originating chamber.

    March 5 – Last day to consider non-exempt bills in house of origin.

    March 31 – Last day to consider non-exempt bills in either chamber.

    April 9 – Adjournment.

New advocacy tools

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kansas Legislature will be limiting access to the state Capitol grounds to those with scheduled legislative business only.

Despite this year’s unique session, it is critical SPEEA members and families continue to engage with the legislative process.

Here are five ways to participate:

  • Engage – Join in SPEEA union member “calls to action,” hosted events, and remote campaigns.
  • Learn – The whole legislative process, from start to finish, is explained here.
  •  Watch – Click here for broadcasts of debates, votes, committee meetings, and other events in the House and Senate.
  • Research – To look up legislation by lawmaker, topic, or bill number, click here.
  • Testify – Contact the SPEEA legislative director at if you are interested in providing written or public testimony on a bill before the legislature.