
Approved Council Motions 2018


Date Council Motion Number Motion Title Approved language
01/11/18 SPEEA Proposed 2018/2019 Budget for SPEEA Council It is moved that: the SPEEA Council approve the proposed 2018-2019 SPEEA Council budget and submit the proposed budget to the SPEEA Executive Board for consideration and incorporation into the SPEEA budget.
01/11/18 SPEEA Support for the Jones Act

It is moved that: the SPEEA Council supports the Jones Act and opposes any effort to weaken or eliminate it including SB 1894.

M18-002 Published Ballot

01/11/18 SPEEA Waiver by 2/3 Majority Vote for Shannon Deacon It is moved that: the SPEEA Council grants a waiver for Shannon Deacon, in accordance with SPEEA Constitution Section 2.3.2 that allows her run as a candidate for the officer positions of SPEEA President, SPEEA Secretary, and/or SPEEA Treasurer in the upcoming 2018 Executive Board Election.
02/08/18 NW Motion to Support Passage of Washington Senate Bill 5140 - Gender Pay Equity

It is moved that: the Northwest Council supports pay equality. The Council encourages activists and staff to lobby in support of Senate Bill 5140, and to educate SPEEA members about such legislation and encourage them to support it.

02/08/18 NW NW - SPEEA/IFPTE Local 2001 Support to Picket with Teamters Local 174 (Seattle School Bus Drivers) During Duration of Their Strike Against First Student (Employer)

It is moved that: THE SPEEA NORTHWEST COUNCIL STANDS IN SOLIDARITY with the school bus drivers of Teamsters Local 174 and SUPPORTS the picketing of First Student until a fair and reasonable deal is reached and provide $3,000.00 in financial support.

03/05/18 MW (E-Motion) Riverfest Reallocation of Funds from STEAM Village to Rock'n the River Concert It is moved: The SPEEA MW Councill reallocate the Riverfest STEAM City funds from STEAM Village to co-sponsor the Wichita Riverfest Spirit AeroSystems Rock'n the River concert.
03/08/18 SPEEA SPEEA 2018-19 Fiscal Year Budget It is moved that: The SPEEA Council concurs with the SPEEA 2018-19 Fiscal Year Budget.
03/08/18 MW 2018 SPEEA Leadership Conference MW WEU Negotiations Committee It is moved that: The SPEEA MW Council supports this motion to seek approval from the SPEEA Executive Board to approve the attendance of the three WEU Negotiators (Eric Stewart, Elisa Acosta & John Poettker) and to pay for their expenses to attend the 2018 SPEEA Leadership Conference.
05/10/18 NW Financial Support for (PSARA) Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action It is moved: The Northwest Council shall budget an annual $1,000 contribution to the Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action, PSARA.
05/10/18 NW Support of IAM workers on strike at United Launch Alliance in Alabama, Florida and California

It is moved that: the NW SPEEA Council supports the Machinists on strike at United Launch Alliance (ULA). The NW SPEEA Council requests that The SPEEA Executive Board send a letter of support.

06/01/18 SPEEA Recommendation of Consideration

It is moved that: The SPEEA Council endorses Paul Shearon for IFPTE President and Matt Biggs for IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer

06/01/18 SPEEA IFPTE Constitutional Revision - Per Capita Assessment

It is moved that: The SPEEA Council supports the IFPTE Constitutional Per Cap increase for FY 2020-2022

07/12/18 NW Financial Support for Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA) FY 2019 It is moved: The Northwest Council requests the SPEEA Executive Board make a one-time contribution of $1,000 to the Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA) in 2018, with additional funding in future years as provided for in NW18-006.
08/09/18 NW Association with Oregon Fair Trade Campaign

It is moved that: The Northwest Council approves an association with the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign (ORFTC) with an annual contribution of $750.00 and requests the Executive Board fund the 2018-2019 Budget Year donation.

09/13/18 NW Distribution and Disbursement of STEM Funds

It is moved that: The SPEEA NW Council distribute the allocated funds for the 2018-2019 SPEEA STEM Grant awards in the following manner:

10/11/18 SPEEA Support of Marriott Hotel Workers strike It is moved that: The SPEEA Council supports the UNITE HERE union workers around the country on strike. It is further moved to advertise to our members, ways they can support these workers for a fair contract.
11/08/18 NW Questions for Northwest Vice President Elections

It is moved that: the following questions be submitted to the applicants for the Northwest Regional Vice Presidential Candidates and their response be included in the Voters Guide.

  1. Why are you interested in the Vice President position?

  2. How will you represent the NW region as a regional Vice President?

  3. What experience and skills would you bring to the Executive Board?

  4. What do you see as the primary challenges the NW Region faces and what are your solutions?

  5. What do you see as the primary challenges SPEEA faces and what are your solutions?
12/13/18 NW Proposed FY 2020 NW Council Budget It is moved that: The Northwest Council approve the proposed FY 2020 NW Council Budget and submit the proposed budget to the SPEEA Executive Board for consideration and incorporation in the SPEEA Budget.


Past Approved Council Motions