
Useful Links

Our goal is to continuously work to inform, educate and influence positive workplace policies that support all SPEEA employees and their families. WAC remains current on issues that affect the relationship between a woman's company, community, union and government to ensure that her voice is heard.

  • Women, Working Families and Unions

A study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research shows how a union and a collective bargaining agreement substantially boost women's earnings and increase their access to benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid sick days, paid parental leave, and family medical leave. Read more

  • Coalition of Labor Union Women breast density facts

Information posted to website following the 2018 convention - click here

  • Link to Boeing Insight
(access limited to within the Boeing intranet)
  • Watch: Boeing engineers read historic letters | Women make us better

In 1919, two women sent letters to U.S. colleges, asking if any female engineering students had ever been enrolled. The answers they received are as egregious as they are telling. Today, only 13% of engineers in the U.S. are women. That's why Boeing is dedicated to increasing the number of women in STEM careers worldwide. Click here

  • Read: The deadly truth about a world built for men - from stab vests to car crashes

Crash-test dummies based on the ‘average’ male are just one example of design that forgets about women – and puts lives at risk Read here